cooling. At MODE AUTO, the modulating valve
is turned on and the cabin temperature is set by
the TEMP knob. When at FLOW HIGH, the
ECS will operate at high volume from the air-cycle
machine. HIGH is used primarily for cooling.
Cabin temperature, duct temperature, and the
setting of the TEMP knob are all compared in
the cabin temperature controller. The MAN
position bypasses the cabin and duct control valve
by a spring-loaded valve to center HOT-COLD
switch. Placing the momentary beep switch to
HOT or COLD causes the control valve to move
toward open or close as long as the switch is held,
allowing manual temperature control.
NOTE: Use of the manual mode of the ECS
requires pulsing of the HOT-COLD toggle switch
followed by a waiting period to judge the
magnitude of temperature change. Excessive
manual input may cause ECS shutdown and/or
APU failure (if APU is the air source).
The ECS will automatically shut down under
the following conditions:
1. Engine contingency power is selected with
the contingency-power switch (CNTGY PWR) on
either collective stick.
2. In any position of the AIR SOURCE
ECS/START switch, when starting either No. 1
or No. 2 engine.
When the AIR SOURCE ECS/START switch
is placed to ENGINE, the ECS will also shut down
1. a turbine gas temperature (TGT) of
856 ± 5°C is reached,
2. either engine ANTI-ICE switch is placed
O N , o r
3. when the DE-ICE MASTER switch is
placed to AUTO and ice is detected.
The total aircraft avionics system requires the
dissipation of approximately 12 kilowatts of heat.
Units cooled by the external air system are main-
tained at 15° to 27°C. Units cooled by ambient
cabin air require an ambient temperature below
Two fans provide cooling air for the mission
avionics. One fan is located on the right side of
the cabin at the base of the mission avionics rack,
and the other is located on the left side of the
cabin at the base of the sensor operators (SOs)
console. Fan control is provided by the mission
power (MSN PWR) switch, located on the lower
center console on the MSM SYS (mission systems)
panel, and by a 27°C temperature-sensing switch,
located at each fan inlet. When the MSN PWR
switch is placed in either PRI or SEC position and
the fan inlet temperature is above 27°C, the fans
run to bring in outside air for circulation through
the respective avionics areas. Backup cooling
for the avionics is provided by the ECS.
If the ECS is operating, the modulating valve will
automatically go to the full-open position when
the temperature switches at the fan inlets sense
a temperature of 54°C or greater. Conditioned
cabin air may be circulated through the avionics
system by removing the thermal/acoustic panels
for backup cooling. Power is supplied from the
No. 1 ac primary bus and No. 2 ac primary bus
through the (SO) circuit breaker panel by two
circuit breakers, marked LH RACT BLOWER
Learning Objective: Recognize the purpose
and function of aircraft pressurization
systems to include maintenance and
troubleshooting operations.
As aircraft became capable of obtaining
altitudes above that at which flight crews could
operate efficiently, a need developed for complete
environmental systems.
Air conditioning could provide the proper
temperature and supplemental oxygen could
provide sufficient breathable air. The one problem
was that not enough atmospheric pressure exists
at high altitude to aid in breathing, and even at
lower altitudes the body must work harder to
absorb sufficient oxygen through the lungs to
operate at the same level of efficiency as at sea
level. This problem was solved by pressuring the
cockpit/cabin area.
The area of an aircraft to be pressurized must
be free from all air leaks. This is accomplished
by the use of seals around tubing, ducting, bolts,
rivets, and other hardware that pass through or
pierce the pressuretight area. All panels and
large structural components are assembled with