leaks, operationally checking the system, and
troubleshooting malfunctions.
Malfunctions may become apparent during
inspections, testing, or actual use of the oxygen
system. The remedies for some malfunctions will
be quite obvious, while others may require
extensive time and effort to pinpoint the actual
cause. The effectiveness of corrective action will
be dependent on an accurate diagnosis of the
Troubleshooting of the gaseous oxygen
system, as with other systems, is the process of
locating a malfunctioning component or unit in
a system or mechanism. To troubleshoot
intelligently, you must be familiar with the system
and know the function of each component within
the system. You can study the schematic diagrams
of the system provided in the MIM to gain a
mental picture of the location of each component
in relation to other components. By learning to
interpret these diagrams, you can save time in
isolating malfunctioning components. The sche-
matic diagram does not indicate the location of
components in the aircraft; however, it will
provide the means to trace the oxygen flow from
the cylinder through each component to the mask.
Installation diagrams provided in either
the MIM or the Illustrated Parts Breakdown
(IPB) will assist you in locating the particular
component in the aircraft.
The MIMs provide a variety of trouble-
shooting charts, which are intended to aid you in
discovering the cause of malfunction and its
remedy. Table 4-1 illustrates one type of chart.
The discrepancy is listed in the first column with
Table 4-1.Gaseous Oxygen System Troubleshooting