drogue gun firing mechanism. This releases the
spring-loaded firing pin. Firing pin movement is
slowed for 0.5 second by an escapement
mechanism to allow the ejection seat to clear the
aircraft. After a 0.5-second delay, the firing pin
activates the primary cartridge. Heat and pressure
from the primary cartridge cause the secondary
cartridge to fire. The gas produced by both car-
tridges shears the shear pin and expels the piston
from the drogue gun barrel.
The drogue withdrawal line is attached to the
piston. When expelled, the piston withdraws the
pin from the closure flaps of the parachute
container and deploys the drogue parachutes. The
secondary cartridge serves as a backup system to
the mechanically fired primary system. The
cartridges in the time-release mechanism and
manual override initiator provide gas pressure to
the gas-operated secondary firing mechanism of
the drogue gun. If the drogue gun primary firing
mechanism fails, the gas-operated secondary
firing mechanism cartridge will be fired by the
secondary cartridge and the combined gas
pressure will expel the piston from the drogue gun
barrel to deploy the drogue parachutes.
ejection seat rises, the trip rod also withdraws the
firing link from the TRM and releases a spring-
loaded firing pin. Firing pin movement is
prevented for 1.5 seconds by a barostat and
g-controller. When the altitude of the seat is less
than 14,500 feet and acceleration forces are less
than 3 gs, the barostat and g-controller release
the firing mechanism. After the 1.5-second delay,
the firing pin activates the cartridge. The gas
produced by the cartridge passes to the upper
body chamber and forces the shackle plunger
down. This allows the scissor mechanism to open.
At the same time, the gas actuates the connecting
rod in the lower body and opens the inertia reel
locks. Gas pressure is also provided to operate the
piston to release the personnel parachute, manual
override initiator, and the drogue gun secondary
cartridge fires, the shackle plunger retracts into
the upper body of the TRM. This action allows
the movable jaw of the scissor mechanism to open
and release the personnel parachute from the
ejection sequence, gas pressure is used to fire the
inertia reel cartridge. The gas pressure forces the
head of the piston along the cylinder. The
horizontal movement of the piston is transmitted
by a threaded drive screw to rotate the ratchet
wheel. The rotation of the ratchet wheel retracts
the inertia reel straps and restrains the pilot in the
seat. Then the locking pawl locks the spools in
the retracted position.
Extension of the inertia reel straps at excessive
speed causes the governor pawls to rotate outward
because of centrifugal force. They engage the rack
on the housing, which prevents any additional
extension of the straps. When the shoulder
harness control handle is in the rear position,
the system restrains the pilot from moving
forward. With no tension applied to the inertia
reel straps, the pawl will reset itself and disengage
from the rack. This will allow free extension of
the straps.
the ejection sequence, the static line connected to
the drogue gun trip rod and to the rocket motor
initiator is withdrawn from the aft initiator
housing. When the static line is extended to
approximately 72 inches, a spring-loaded plunger
is unlocked. The plunger rotates the quadrant
lever and removes the sear from the firing
mechanism. Removal of the sear fires the
cartridge in the breech. The gas produced is routed
to the rocket motor firing mechanism, which
ignites the rocket motor.
drogue shackle, which contains the parachute
withdrawal line and extender strap, allows the
drogues to be deployed without extraction of the
personnel parachute. A mechanical lock secures
the parachute withdrawal line to prevent
premature deployment until pilot and seat
separation has occurred. The lock is released by
a piston in the upper body of the time-release,
The parachute risers are routed down the
forward side of the parachute container. Quick-
release fittings are located on the end of the risers
and connect to the pilots torso harness. The
inertia reel straps are routed from the inertia reel,
through the parachute riser roller fittings, and are
secured in the inertia reel locks.
The seat bucket supports several components
on the lower portion of the ejection seat. The
operation of these components is discussed in the
following paragraphs.