Seat Bucket
The seat bucket (14) (fig. 6-20) is mounted on
the lower forward side of the main beam
assembly. It is attached to studs on the seat
bucket runners. The components described in the
following paragraphs are related to the seat
ejection control handle (16) is located on the front
of the seat pan. It is the only means by which
ejection can be initiated. The handle is molded
in the shape of a loop and is connected to the sears
of the ejection seat initiators. The seat initiators
have two rigid lines that connect to the trombone
fittings. An upward pull of the loop removes both
sears from the dual initiators to initiate ejection.
Either initiator can fire the seat. After ejection,
the handle remains attached to the seat. The
ejection control handle is safetied by using the
ejection seat safe/arm handle and safety pin.
DLE. To prevent inadvertent seat ejection, an
ejection seat safe/arm handle (18) is installed. To
safety the seat, you must rotate the handle up and
forward. To arm the seat, you rotate the handle
down and aft. When in the ARMED position, the
portion of the handle that is visible to the pilot
is colored yellow and black with the word
ARMED showing. In the SAFE position, the
visible portion of the handle is colored white with
the word SAFE showing. By placing the handle
to the SAFE position, it causes a pinto be inserted
into the ejection firing mechanism. This prevents
withdrawal of the sears from the dual seat
DLE. The shoulder harness control handle (11)
and seat height adjustment switch (10) are
mounted on the left side of the seat bucket. The
shoulder harness control handle is connected to
the inertia reel. The seat height adjustment switch
controls electrical power to the seat height
actuator motor.
manual override handle (17) is located on the right
side of the seat bucket. The handle is connected
to the lower restraint mechanism. It is also
connected to the manual override initiator.
manual override initiator (19) is mounted in a
covered compartment in the lower aft right side
of the seat bucket. A linkage connects the sear
to the manual override handle. Pulling the
handle releases the lower restraints. Full upward
movement of the handle is prevented by the pin
puller. However, during ejection, the pin puller
is automatically retracted. This allows the manual
override handle to pull the sear from the manual
override initiator, which will override the
automatic sequencing. This is accomplished by
routing gas pressure to the time-release mechanism
and the secondary cartridge of the drogue gun.
PIN PULLER. The pin puller (20) (fig. 6-20)
(also shown in fig. 6-23) is located on the aft right
side of the seat bucket. Full aft rotation of the
manual override handle is prevented by the pin
puller. A pin extended from the pin puller engages
a slot in the manual override linkage. During the
ejection sequence, gas pressure from the right seat
initiator cartridge retracts the pin.
ROCKET MOTOR. The rocket motor (8) is
attached to the bottom of the seat bucket. A rigid
line from the rocket motor firing mechanism is
connected to the inboard trombone fitting on the
aft left side of the seat bucket. The trombone
fitting interfaces with the rocket motor initiator,
which is located on the main beam assembly.
The rocket motor consists of a firing
mechanism, igniter cartridge., manifold, four
nozzles, and 17 propellant tubes. Gas pressure
from the rocket motor initiator forces the firing
mechanism into the igniter cartridge. The rocket
motor ignites as the catapult nears the end of its
extension and raises the ejection seat to a height
sufficient for a safe ejection, even if the aircraft
has zero speed and zero altitude. The rocket motor
produces approximately 4,500 pounds of thrust
for 0.25 second. The nozzles on the seat are
positioned forward and outward. This positioning
allows the thrust to pass close to the center of
gravity of the ejection seat and pilot.
survival kit (fig. 6-24) consists of a two-piece
bonded fiber glass container and a seat cushion.
The kit is located in the seat bucket and functions
as a seating platform for the pilot. The survival
kit contains the torso harness attachments, locking
system, retaining lanyard, survival equipment,
radio beacon, and emergency oxygen. A bracket
for insertion of the negative-g strap is mounted