because ejection occurs above 7,000 feet. When
mode 3 fails, then mode 4 automatically provides
the 3-second delay initiator fires, its gases actuate
the ejection sequence.
the drogue and WORD release and arm the
14,000-foot aneroid initiator. Since ejection
MODE 4. Mode 4 (fig. 6-37) is an ejection
occurs below 14,000 feet, the initiator fires
above 14,000 feet at any airspeed. The primary
immediately through the right trombone to
initiation of the mode 4 sequence is identical to
operate the parachute container opener. The
that of mode 1. At ejection, the ballistic gases
remainder of mode 3 is identical to mode 1. If
from the 3-second delay initiator actuate the
Figure 6-37.Mode 4: high speed/high altitude.