ejection modes. The system includes a parachute
container opener that is activated by gas pressure
from the 7,000- or 14,000-foot aneroid initiators,
or the seat and man separation initiator. The
WORD rocket is also part of the system. The
WORD rocket, mounted on the back of the seat,
is connected to the drogue bridle assembly on one
end and to the parachute WORD bridle on the
other end. The WORD rocket motor is released
from the seat and fired by a lanyard as it falls
away from the seat during low-speed ejections or
by the pull of the drogue during high-speed
The ejection sequence follows one of four
modes, depending on aircraft airspeed and
altitude. Mode 1 includes ejections where the air-
craft is operating below 7,000 feet and at a speed
less than 225 knots. Mode 2 includes an altitude
below 7,000 feet, but at a speed greater than 225
knots. Mode 3 occurs above 7,000 feet, but below
14,000 feet, at any airspeed. Mode 4 occurs above
14,000 feet at any airspeed. Figure 6-33 presents
a comparison of the various modes.
MODE I. Mode 1 (fig. 6-34) is for a low-
speed, low-altitude ejection. After the catapult
outer tube assemblies have traveled upward a
distance of approximately 31 inches, ballistic gases
are ported through the inner trombone assemblies
to actuate the 0.1- and 1.3-second time delays in
the multiple delay initiator and the 3-second delay
initiator. Gases from the 0.1-second delay actuate
the drogue and WORD release and arm the
14,000-foot aneroid initiator. Below 14,000 feet,
the initiator immediately actuates and gases pass
through the right trombone to actuate the
parachute container opener. Upon actuation of
the WORD motor and drogue release assembly,
the aerodynamic drag of the drogue parachute
Figure 6-33.SJU-8/A mode of operation.