The Stencel system has four modes of opera-
tion. As you read the material in the following
paragraphs, carefully note the differences between
these modes. The material describing the sub-
systems and components will amplify the modes
of operation by explaining how and when each
mode is activated. The remainder of this section
will address the test equipment and test procedures
used in the maintenance of the system.
The ejection sequence is initiated by pulling
upward on the ejection control handle, which is
located on the front panel of the seat bucket.
Pulling the ejection control handle requires a force
of 15 to 25 pounds through a distance of less
than 4 inches. Pulling the control handle fires
two M99 ejection initiators, which release
hot, high-pressure gas to the ballistic signal
transmission system (BSTS). Figure 6-32 is
a schematic of the BSTS. The right M99 ejection
initiator supplies gas pressure to the right
side of the catapult cartridge igniter and the
inertia reel gas-generating initiator. The left M99
ejection initiator supplies gas pressure to the left
side of the catapult cartridge igniter, thereby
Figure 6-32.SJU-8/A ballistic signal transmission system.