cannibalization should also decrease the possibility
of logbook record error.
Learning Objective: Recognize the com-
ponents, parachute and seat separation
operations, seat subsystems, component
maintenance, corrosion control, and
lubrication and emergency cleaning pro-
cedures for the Stencil SJU-8/A ejection
The Stencel SJU-8/A ejection seat is used in
the A-7E aircraft. It uses thrust from a ballistic
catapult and two seat-back rockets to propel it
from the aircraft. (See figures 6-29, 6-30, and
6-31.) The seat provides escape capabilities
during takeoff and landing emergencies from zero
speed and zero altitude to speeds and altitudes
of 600 knots and 50,000 feet. The system
incorporates a seat-mounted, environmentally
protected parachute, survival package with raft,
emergency oxygen supply, and emergency locator
beacon. The parachute is stored in a non-
adjustable headrest. The front surface of the seat
bucket provides a buffer for the calves of the legs,
which are automatically restrained by straps to
prevent flailing during ejection. The sides of the
bucket extend upward and forward from the seat
to protect the legs during canopy penetration.
Figure 6-29.SJU-8/A ejection seat assembly.