Figure 6-28.Time-release mechanism barostat check-out.
14. Secure the test set and recock the TRM.
the MRCs and MIMs. The steps requiring QA
Lockwire the firing link to the TRM and install
action are also very important.
the hex head plug and washer in the base of the
All ejection seat parts and components
received from supply must be checked or tested
NOTE: QA should inspect the sear installa-
before being put into service. It is also
tionand lockwire.
recommended that ejection seats reinstalled on
their mated ejection catapult guns.
Other Tests
Cannibalization of ejection system com-
ponents must beheld to an absolute minimum.
Other tests are required for this ejection seat.
The swapping of components increases the
These tests are performed in strict compliance with
possibility of maintenance error. Minimizing