agents, only CF3Br will be discussed in this
chapter. The E-2 aircraft uses (fig. 1-23) a typical
CF3Br fire extinguishing system. The system
consists of a container assembly, distributing tube
assemblies, discharge indicators, and necessary
tubing and electrical equipment.
To activate the E-2 aircraft CF3Br fire
extinguishing system shown in figure 1-23, pull
the fluid cutoff handle for the affected engine.
This action turns off combustible fluids, feathers
the propeller, and shuts down the engine.
Pulling this handle exposes the fire extinguisher
switch. Pressing the fire extinguisher switch
completes the electrical circuit necessary to
detonate the explosive change in the bonnet
assembly of the container (fig. 1-24). This
explosion ruptures the frangible disc in the
container and allows CF3Br to flow into the
Figure 1-23.Typical CF3Br fire extinguishing system.