Logbook Binder (OPNAV 4790/19)
Structural Life Limits Separator (OPNAV 4790/142A)
Structural Life Limits (OPNAV 4790/142)
Monthly Flight Summary Separator (OPNAV 4790/21)
Monthly Flight Summary (OPNAV 4790/21A)
Inspection Record Separator (OPNAV 4790/22)
Inspection Record (OPNAV 4790/22A)
Repair/Rework Record Separator (OPNAV 4790/23)
Repair/Rework Record (OPNAV 4790/23A)
Technical Directives Separator (OPNAV 4790/24)
TDSA TD Lists Nos. 02 and 04 (Aircraft Only)
Technical Directives (OPNAV 4790/24A)
Miscellaneous/History Separator (OPNAV 4790/25)
Miscellaneous/History (OPNAV 4790/25A)
Preservation/Depreservation Record Separator (OPNAV 4790/136)
Preservation/Depreservation Record (OPNAV 4790.136A)*
Explosive Device Separator (OPNAV 4790/26)*
Installed Explosive Device Record (OPNAV 4790/26A)*
Inventory Record Separator (OPNAV 4790127)
Inventory Record (OPNAV 4790/27A)
Assembly Service Record (OPNAV 4790/106A)*
Equipment History Record (EHR) Card (OPNAV 4790/113)*
Schedule Removal Component Card (OPNAV 4790/28A)*
ASR, EHR, and SRC cards are placed in
the order they are listed in the PMIC.
ALSS Record Separator (OPNAV 4790/157)*
Parachute Record (OPNAV 4790/101)*
Seat Survival Kit Record (OPNAV 4790/137)*
Aircrew Systems Record (OPNAV 4790/138)*
Supplemental Records Separator (OPNAV 4790/134)*
Aeronautical Equipment Service Record (OPNAV 4790/29)*
*If applicable on aircraft without ejection seats.
Figure 7-2.Aircraft Logbook construction and sequence.