of all repair, reconditioning, scheduled depot-level
maintenance (SDLM), conversion, modification,
modernization, and aircraft service period adjustment
(ASPA) inspections performed on the aircraft. The
logbook always accompanies the aircraft when it is
inducted into a rework facility, even though there is no
change in the reporting custodian.
OPNAV 4790/24A
OPNAV 4790/24A (fig. 7-7) is used in both the
aircraft logbook and the AESR, and is used to
document the technical directives (TDs) affecting the
airframe structure and its integral parts. Separate pages
are required to record each type of TD on equipment.
TDs concerning equipment other than engines present
no special problems in recording because the quantity
of these TDs is relatively small. Power plant changes
(PPCs) and power plant bulletins (PPBs), however, are
issued in greater numbers and require careful
screening to ensure the AESR reflects the actual
configuration of the equipment. Technical directive
requirements lists require different recordkeeping
The Naval Aviation Logistics Center (NAVAV-
NLOGCEN) prepares technical directive
requirements lists that include list No. 02, Directives
Applicable to a Specific Bureau/Serial Number (but
not incorporated), and list No. 04, Directives
Applicable to a Specific Bureau/Serial Number (and
reported as incorporated). The NAVAVNLOGCEN
distributes these lists to reporting custodians and
functional wings according to NAVAIRINST 13050.3
When you receive initial lists Nos. 02 and 04,
remove OPNAV Form 4790/24A. After verification
against the new lists Nos. 02 and 04, retain or destroy
the old form as directed. Insert list No. 02 and list No.
04 in the TD section of the aircraft logbook. List No.
02 precedes list No. 04.
When a new TD is received, add it to list No. 02.
As the work center complies with each TD, annotate
list No. 02 and add the information to list No. 04. This
provides a complete, up-to-date configuration listing
of the aircraft at any given time.
Figure 7-6.Repair/Rework Record (OPNAV 4790/23A).