depreservation is performed on the aircraft or its
in-flight refueling stores) are recorded in the Installed
Explosive Device Form of the appropriate AESR.
For installed equipment, entries are required in the
AESR or MSR if the applicable preservation MRCs or
the NA 15-01-500, Preservation of Naval Aircraft,
specify a preservation requirement. No entry is
required if the equipment is not preserved as part of an
aircraft preservation action.
Explosive devices installed in personnel
parachutes are recorded on the Parachute Record
(OPNAV 47901101) and in other safety and survival
equipment on the Seat Survival Kit Record (OPNAV
4790/137) or Aircrew Systems Record (OPNAV
4790/138). All other explosive devices should be
recorded on the Installed Explosive Device Record of
the aircraft logbook (fig. 7-10).
Entries are required in the AESR or MSR of
uninstalled equipment if the applicable maintenance
manual specifies a preservation requirement. For
example, an aircraft engine made ready for installation
(RFI) and not immediately installed on an aircraft
would have to be preserved, and an entry would be
made in the AESR.
This section of the aircraft logbook contains a
record of all explosive devices installed in the aircraft
and/or major assemblies; for example, initiators and
canopy releases. Explosive devices installed in major
assemblies/equipment (such as ejection seats and
OPNAV 4790/27A
This form (fig. 7-11) is used to maintain a current
inventory of all equipment, components, and
assemblies requiring an MSR, ASR, EHR, or SRC
card as directed by the Periodic Maintenance
Information Cards (NAVAIR 01-XXX-6) for the
aircraft. Aircraft engines, auxiliary power units,
ejection seats, and other major components requiring
an AESR are not to be listed in this section, or any
other part of the aircraft logbook except the AESR,
when it becomes part of the logbook upon transfer of
the aircraft.
Figure 7-10.Installed Explosive Device Record (OPNAV 4790/26A).