Figure 7-11.Inventory Record (OPNAV 4790/27A).
Module Service Records (MSRs), Assembly
Service Records (ASRs), Equipment History Records
(EHRs), and Scheduled Removal Component Cards
(SRCs) are discussed later in the text.
This section of the aircraft logbook contains a file
of all aircraft-installed ALSS records, excluding
aircraft equipped with ejection seats. When an aircraft
has ejection seats, the records are inserted into the
appropriate ejection seat AESR. ALSS records include
the forms and records discussed in the following
The Parachute Record, OPNAV 4790/101, (fig.
7-12) provides the current configuration and
inspection record for a parachute assembly, as well as
its components throughout its service life. The form is
a two-part, no-carbon-required form. The hardback
copy is filed in the logbook of the aircraft in which the
parachute is installed. The original copy of the record
is kept in a permanent file as designated by the AMO.
The Seat Survival Kit Record, OPNAV 4790/137,
(fig. 7-13) provides configuration and inspection
information for the seat survival kit and its
components. This record is a two-part,
no-carbon-required form. The hardback copy is filed
in the aircraft logbook. The original copy is kept in a
permanent file as designated by the AMO.
The Aircrew Systems Record, OPNAV 4790/138,
(fig. 7-14) provides a continuous configuration and
inspection record of ALSS components, kits, and
assemblies. This record is a single copy, two-sided
form, which is filed in the logbook of the aircraft for
which the ALSS component, kit, or assembly is
installed. For personnel-mounted equipment or other
equipment that is not aircraft mounted, the record will
be maintained as directed by the AMO.
When any of the above listed ALSS components,
kits, or assemblies are involved in an aircraft mishap,
the appropriate records are to be forwarded as required
by OPNAVINST 3750.6 and NAVAIR 13-1-13
manuals for investigation.