LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify the types,
forms, and characteristics of corrosion.
Timely detection of corrosion is essential to any
corrosion control program. Of course, corrosion can
be detected after a part fails (if the equipment can be
recovered). However, then it is too late to do anything
about it other than to intensify inspections of other
similar aircraft and SE. Inspection for corrosion
should be a part of all routine inspections. On every
aircraft and piece of SE, there are certain areas that are
more corrosion prone than others. You should check
these areas carefully. For the corrosion inspection to
be thorough, you must know the types of corrosion
likely to be found and the symptoms or appearance of
each type of corrosion. Sometimes corrosion is hidden,
and special detection methods are used to find it.
Various aspects of corrosion detection are discussed
in the following text.
Corrosion may occur in several forms, depending
upon the specific function, size, shape and type of
metal involved. Atmospheric conditions and the
presence of corrosion-producing agents are also
factors in the development of corrosion. The types of
corrosion described in this section are the more
common forms found on aircraft structures and SE.
This text uses the most commonly accepted terms that
describe the various types of corrosion.
Uniform (Direct) Surface Attack
The surface effect produced by the direct reaction
of a metal surface with oxygen in the air is a uniform
etching of the metal. The rusting of iron and steel, the
tarnishing of silver, and the general dulling of
aluminum surfaces are common examples of surface
attack. On aluminum surfaces, if the surface attack is
allowed to continue, the surface will become rough
and eventually frosted in appearance. Figure 4-8
shows direct surface corrosion on an A-6 landing gear
linkage system.
Pitting Corrosion
The most common effect of corrosion on
aluminum and magnesium alloys is called pitting.
The primary cause of pitting is the variation in
structure or quality between areas on the metal surface
in contact with a corrosive environment. Pitting
corrosion is first noticeable as a white or gray powdery
deposit, similar to dust, which blotches the surface.
When the superficial deposit is cleaned away, tiny pits
or holes can be seen in the surface. They may appear
as shallow indentations or deep cavities of small
diameter. Pitting may occur in any metal, but it is
particularly characteristic of aluminum and
magnesium. Figure 4-9 is an illustration of pitting
Crevice Attack or
Concentration Cell
Concentration cell corrosion is actually a form of
pitting corrosion. Concentration cell corrosion is
caused by the difference in concentration of the
electrolyte or the active metal at the anode and
cathode. When there are concentration differences at
two different points in an entrapped pool of water or
cleaning solution, anodic and cathodic areas may
result. This results in the anodic area being attacked.
Figure 4-10 shows the theory of concentration cell
corrosion. Areas where there are crevices, scale,
surface deposits, and stagnant water traps are prone to
this type of attack. Concentration cell corrosion is
controlled and prevented by avoiding the creation of
crevices during repair work. It is also controlled with
sealants and caulking compounds that eliminate voids
that trap water.
Intergranular Attack, Including
All metals consist of many tiny building blocks
called crystals (sometimes called grains). The
boundaries between these crystals are commonly
called grain boundaries. Intergranular corrosion is
an attack on the grain boundaries of some alloys under
specific conditions. During heat treatment, these
alloys are heated to a temperature that dissolves the
alloying elements. As the metal cools, these elements
combine to form compounds. If the cooling rate is
slow, they form at the grain boundaries. These
compounds differ electrochemically from the material
adjacent to the grain boundaries, and they can be either
anodic or cathodic to the adjoining areas, depending
upon their composition. The presence of an electrolyte
results in attack of the anodic area. This attack can be
rapid and exist without visible evidence.
As the intergranular corrosion progresses to the
more advanced stages, it lifts the surface grain of the