Illustrated parts breakdowns, 2-20, 3-5
information elements, 3-7
Immediate action directives, 2-32
In-flight maintenance manuals, 2-25
Individual Component Repair Lists, 3-11
Individual Material Readiness Lists, 3-1 6
Inspections of aircraft, 5-32
acceptance, 5-32
conditional, 5-32
daily, 5-32
phase, 5-33
postflight, 5-32
preflight, 5-32
special, 5-33
transfer, 5-32
turnaround, 5-32
zonal, 5-33
Intake trail areas, 4-31
Intermediate maintenance, 1-9
Iron in aircraft, 4-35
Isopropyl alcohol, 4-9
JATO blast area, 4-32
Joint Service Uniform Source, Maintenance, and
Recoverability Codes, 3-10
Landing gear, 4-32
Life support equipment, 1-11
Line, 1-9
division, 1-9
operations, 5-1
Line safety, 5-16
Local repair cycle asset storage units, 3-24
Lubrication oil, 4-17
general-purpose, 4-17
preservative, 4-17
Magnesium in aircraft, 4-37
Maintenance, 1-1, 1-2
avionics, 4-5
levels, 1-1
manuals, 2-2, 2-25, 3-5
responsibilities, 1-1
types, 1-2
Maintenance administration, 1-7
Maintenance control work center, 1-8, 7-2
Maintenance Digest, 2-29
Maintenance instruction manuals, 2-17, 2-25
Maintenance Management, 7-1
Aircraft Discrepancy Book, 7-3
Aircraft historical files, 7-4
Aircraft Status Reports, 7-3
Maintenance Control, 1-8, 7-1
Maintenance meetings, 7-2
Releasing aircraft for flight, 7-3
SCIR, 7-5
Maintenance/material control, 1-8, 1-10,7-2
Maintenance requirements cards, 2-29
Management of aviation maintenance, 1-5
Manufacturers service bulletins, 2-29
Master Cross-Reference List, 3-10
Master Repairable Item List, NAVSUP P-4107, 3-10
Material Condition codes, 3-13
Material Control, 1-10
Material Control Center, 1-8
O-level, 3-12
Material Control codes, 3-13
Material delivery unit, 3-23
Material identification, 3-3
Material requirements, 3-17
MECH magazine, 2-30
Methyl. ethyl ketone, 4-8
Metrology and Calibration Program, 5-25
Military specification manuals, 2-2
Missiles, 2-25
Monthly maintenance plan, 1-24
AIMD/IMA, 1-25
O-level, 1-24
Monthly Production Reports, 1-21
Multiple electrical connectors (cannon plugs), 4-28
NATOPS flight manuals, 2-24
NAVAIR publication numbering system, 2-14
NAVAIR technical manual program, 2-1
NAVAIR technical manuals, 2-22
major categories, 2-22
requirements for the shore establishment, 2-31
Naval Aeronautic Publications Index, 2-20
Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management
Information System, 1-12
Naval Aviation News magazine, 2-29
Naval Supply Systems Command publications, 3-10
Afloat Shopping Guide (ASG), 3-12
Consolidated Remain in Place List, 3-10
Individual Component Repair List, 3-11
Master Cross-reference List, 3-10
Master Repairable Item List, 3-10