assembly, disassembly, maintenance, servicing and
Airborne Missile Weapons Assembly
Airborne missile and weapons assembly
checklists are an abbreviated, unclassified procedural
reference. These checklists can be used as a guide for
step-by-step assembly of missiles and weapons. They
are provided as a convenient line maintenance
reference document. The checklist manual is used as
a backup in the event of difficulty.
Structural Repair Manual (SRM)
The SRM is used as a guide in making structural
repairs to the airframe. It contains general information
on airframe sealing, control surface rebalancing,
general shop practices, damage evaluation and support
of structure. and a description of the structure.
Descriptions of structures are made by using indexed
illustrations and repair drawings.
SRMs contain specialized repair information
required by maintenance personnel to determine the
extent of aircraft structural damage. It also contains
instructions for performing a permanent or onetime
flight repair.
Basic structural repair data, common to all
aircraft, is released in a general engineering series
manual, General Manual for Structural Repair,
NAVAIR 01-1A-1. Aircraft structural repair manuals
are prepared by the original design manufacturer.
They contain aircraft specific information and are
considered a supplement to the general series (01-1A)
manuals discussed earlier.
The SRM for most new aircraft is published in two
volumes because the volumes are used by different
activities. Volume I is used by all levels of
maintenance. Volume II supplements volume I, and
contains information for use at intermediate- and
depot-level facilities.
You can identify the SRM by a -3 in the manual
code. The two volumes are further identified by an
additional dash number; for example,
NAVAIR-01-75PAA-3-1. This is the code for volume
I of the SRM for the P-3A.
Each volume of the SRM is divided into sections.
Section I contains genera! information. Each of the
other sections contains more specific information.
These sections cover portions of the aircraft, such as
wings, tail, fuselage, landing gear, and engines. There
is also a section that covers typical repairs.
The scope of SRMs is being revised to expand and
complement their application. The manuals are to be
published as four volumes: (1) structural repair, (2)
corrosion control, (3) nondestructive inspection, and
(4) an illustrated parts breakdown (IPB).
Before you attempt to use the SRM, you should
read the introduction in volume I. It includes
information on how to use the manual.
NOTE: Since the formats of SRMs differ, the
instructions on how to use a particular manual also
may differ from other SRMs.
Power plants are reciprocating engines, jet
propulsion engines, jet propulsion/turboshaft engines,
rocket-type jet engines and Auxiliary Power Units
(APU). Organizational (installed) maintenance is
covered in the power plants volume of the MIM that
is prepared by the aircraft designer. However,
intermediate and depot (uninstalled) information is
defined in specialized engine publications prepared by
the engine manufacturer. These manuals include
information on intermediate servicing and repair,
complete engine repair (CER), overhaul, and an IPB.
In some cases, CER is supported by a deck of
Complete Engine Repair Requirements Cards
Unique to engine systems is a Three-degree, Gas
Turbine Engine Repair Program at the intermediate
maintenance level. Under this program, each engine
intermediate maintenance manual defines specific
engine maintenance actions as either first-, second-, or
third-degree functions. Specific guidelines and
responsibility information are provided in
In most power plant manuals, the maintenance
and service instructions manual is identified by a -2
or a -502 in part III of the NAVAIR publication
number. These manuals contain all the information
necessary for you to routinely service and maintain
the engine models covered. They also include
instructions for troubleshooting, dismantling,
reassembling, and testing.
Under the NAVAIR publication numbering system,
the overhaul instructions manual is identified by a -3 or
a -503 in part III of the publication number. This manual