Operational Manuals
Three types of manuals are discussed here. One is
the NATOPS flight manual. The other two are
checklists, the Pilots Pocket Checklist/Flight Crew
Checklist and the Functional Check Flight Checklist.
Natops Flight Manual. The Naval Air Training and
Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS)
flight manual contains the complete operating
instructions for a specific aircraft and its operational
equipment. It is identified by the number 1 in part III
of the publication number and is generally called a
dash 1 (-1) manual. It contains emergency as well as
normal operating instructions.
NATOPS manuals enhance operational safety
through standardization of ground and flight
procedures. The manuals are issued by the direction of
NAVAIR under a Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
letter of promulgation. This letter stipulates that the
procedures are mandatory. NATOPS flight manuals
are issued primarily for the use of the pilots and
aircrew. Maintenance personnel should become
familiar with the contents of the flight manual for their
specific aircraft.
NATOPS flight manuals are kept up-to-date by
two types of changes: routine changes and interim
changes. Routine changes are generally issued every
90 days. Interim changes cover vital operating
instructions, and are issued when immediate action is
necessary. Interim changes are issued either in printed
or message form and are later incorporated as routine
Pilots Pocket Checklists/Flight Crew Checklists.
These items are an abbreviated extension to the
NATOPS data released in a special knee pad
checklist format. They contain performance and
reference data and emergency procedures, as well as
normal and special procedures. They are step-by-step
abbreviations of the amplified NATOPS procedures
prepared for direct cockpit application.
Functional Check Flight Checklist. These
checklists are used during a functional check flight.
They are used to determine whether the airframe,
power plant, accessories, and other items of equipment
are functioning in accordance with predetermined
standards while subjected to the intended operating
environment. These flights are conducted when it is
not possible to determine proper operation by ground
checks. The data is provided in an abbreviated
checklist format. The checklist is applied by the pilot
or crew members for recording the results of the flight
Tactical Manuals
The tactical manual supplements the flight
manual; it provides information to the pilot and crew
on how to fight the aircraft. It provides information
on tactics, weaponry, and air combat maneuvering,
with procedures and techniques based on tactical
situations and mission assignments. These manuals
are being made part of the Naval Warfare Publications
program. Refer to Tactical Warfare Publications
Guide, NWP-0.
Airborne Weapons/Stores Loading Manuals
(Conventional and Nuclear)
These publications provide information required
to convert aircraft armament systems to respond to
various mission assignments, perform functional
checkout of aircraft weapons control and release
systems, and describe the loading or unloading of
airborne weapons or stores. The conventional portion
of the manual explains standard loading criteria and
procedures predicted on tactical doctrine. The nuclear
portion standardizes loading procedures and includes
in-flight weapons procedures. These publications are
also released by letter from CNO, specifying that the
procedures stipulated are mandatory.
Weapons Loading Checklists. These checklists
are abbreviated step-by-step procedures taken from
the amplified procedures displayed in the weapons or
stores loading manuals. These are normally used for
training as well as for direct loading support.
Stores Reliability Cards (SRCs). SRCs contain
abbreviated procedures for use in high-tempo
operational areas. They may be used by trained and
certified personnel instead of conventional weapons
loading checklists. SRCs are pocket-size, laminated
cards that contain information to ensure the aircraft is
ready to receive the weapon, the weapon is ready to be
loaded. the weapon was properly loaded. and to show
the final steps to prepare the weapon for flight and
intended use.
Nuclear Weapons Cargo Loading Manuals. These
manuals provide information for transporting nuclear
weapons. The instructions cover loading, securing,
transporting, and unloading in cargo or transport
aircraft and helicopters.