2-19. With the possible exception of maintenance, the
subjects are self-explanatory. The maintenance
volumes contain step-by-step procedures for the
removal and installation of components within the
system covered by the particular volume.
Part V of the manual number code is a subvolume
number of the subject designated in part IV. In the case
of F- 14 manuals, -1 in part V is used for landing
system; for example, NAVAIR 01-F14AAA-2-2-1 is
Landing Systems, Principles of Operation; NAVAIR
01-F14AAA-2-3-1 is Landing Systems, Testing and
Troubleshooting; and NAVAIR 01-F14AAA-2-4-1 is
Landing Systems Maintenance.
To provide smaller information units, the MIMs
are sectionalized into work packages (WPs) and, if
necessary, into subordinate work packages (SWPs).
WPs and SWPs are identified by a five-digit number.
The first three digits represent the WP number, and the
last two digits represent the SWP number.
NOTE: The two digits that identify the SWP are
usually printed in smaller size type than the three digits
that identify the WP.
Figure 2-20 is an example of page A of a testing
and troubleshooting MIM. It contains the numerical
index of the effective WPs and SWPs in the volume.
WP 00 1 00 contains an alphabetical listing of all WPs
and SWPs in the volume.
Normally, the IPB consists of several individual
volumes; one for each functional element of the
aircraft and one volume that is the Master Parts Index.
Each volume pertaining to the different functional
elements is identified by a dash and number in part IV
of the publications number. For example, the Master
Parts Index for the F-14A aircraft is NAVAIR
01-F14AAA-4, and the IPB volume for the landing
systems is NAVAIR 01-F14AAA-4-1.
The IPB is useful in identifying and ordering parts.
You can determine the exact part or item required for
replacement in a repair situation. Figure 2-21 is a
typical IPB diagram. It can be used to identify failed
or worn parts. To do this, identify the part by locating
it on the diagram (i.e., you decide number 6 is the
failed component). You can take this number, called
the index number, and locate it (a launch bar) on the
part list (fig. 2-22). This information in the part list is
vital in ordering the part.
The IPB contains a list of weapons systems
component parts keyed to simple illustrations. The
manual serves a dual function to assist maintenance
and supply. Material is illustrated by an exploded view
and identified to material availability through source
code listings. It is prepared as an associate manual to
the related maintenance manual or incorporated in the
basic book as a separate section.
All aeronautic publications, changes, technical
directives, and forms issued by NAVAIRSYSCOM
are cataloged in the Naval Aeronautic Publications
Index (NAPI). The NAP1 consists of six sections,
Figure 2-19.Example of F-14 MIM number codes.