user-oriented numbering and indexing system. It
meets the requirements of all systems commands for
identifying, referencing, and requisitioning technical
manuals and changes. The system also makes it easier
to identify and order manuals for the operating forces
and other users. It is compatible with automatic data
processing (ADP) procedures. The Application Guide
and Index. OPNAV N0000-00-IDX-000/TMINS,
should be available in your technical library. By using
this guide and index, you will be able to understand
and use the TMINS.
The TMINS assigns each technical manual a
unique identifying alphanumeric designation
patterned after the 13-digit National Stock Number
(NSN); for example, A1-F18AA-NFM-500. It serves
as the technical manual identification number.
Additionally, TMINS contains a provision for adding
a suffix to give the security classification and other
information considered important.
standard TMINS number (fig. 2- 17) is made up of two
distinct parts separated by a slash (/). The first part of
the TMINS is called the publication identifier (PI). It
is the essential root of the number. The PI is always
used, and it always has exactly 13 characters.
The second part of the TMINS is called the suffix.
It is an added field of up to 17 characters (including
the slash). When used, it gives user-oriented
information. The suffix is always used for classified
manuals and separately bound unclassified portions of
classified technical manuals. The suffix for both
classified and unclassified TMINS may also supply
the user with equipment designation, nomenclature, or
model number.
COMPOSITION. The publication identifier (PI) is
made up of two
major components: the
hardware/subject identifier and the technical manual
(TM) identifier. The first seven characters of the PI
make up the hardware/subject identifier. These
characters identify the specific hardware (such as an
aircraft) or subject (such as an airborne weapons
system) to which the technical manual applies. Once
assigned, the project serial number (for example,
SA-AN/APS-39A radar set) will represent the item
throughout its life cycle. The first seven characters of
the PI (fig. 2- 17) are divided into three groups.
The first group, cognizant (COG), of the PI is a
single letter that tells what command publishes and
updates the publication. For example, the COG is A for
The second group, standard subject classification
code (SSCC), is a four-digit alphanumeric code that
identifies the commodity or subject matter; for example,
in figure 2-17, the 1 in 1F18 indicates aircraft or
aviation. The F18 stands for the F/A-18 aircraft.
The third group, subject serial number (SUBJ
SERIAL), is a two-digit code (either numbers, letters,
or both) that is assigned by the Naval Air Technical
Services Facility (NAVAIRTECHSERVFAC) for
aeronautic manuals. It differentiates between items
assigned to a given SSCC series or subseries. In figure
2-17, the subject serial number AC stands for F/A-18
aircraft federal labs.
The remaining six characters of the PI are called
the technical manual (TM) identifier. The six
Figure 2-17.TMINS example (NAVAIR).