material on a graph. When an illustration is
extensively changed, a change bar is placed across the
top of the reproduction area (full page illustrations),
or in the left or right margin, as applicable (partial
page illustrations).
On diagrams, bordering or pointing hands
indicate the area containing the changed or added
information (fig. 2-11). Extensively changed or added
areas are indicated by a change bar around the affected
presentation. or change bar across the top of the affected
image area.
Rapid Action Changes (RACs)
The function of the RAC is to expedite the
dissemination of urgent operation and maintenance
change information. RACs are applicable to all
In-Production and Out-of-Production NAVAIR
weapons system maintenance instruction manuals,
related component equipment manuals, maintenance
requirements cards, illustrated parts breakdowns,
support equipment, weapons handling and loading
manuals, calibration manuals, and other related
procedural manuals.
For more in-depth information, message format
and incorporation procedures for RACs, refer to
NAVAIR 00-25-100.
In a work package type manual, what is the
irformation that appears in the upper right
corner of each page?
What is the difference between a change and a
revision of a technical manual?
What reporting system allows fleet input to
technical manual changes?
What are the two types of publication
What is the purpose of the "A" page in a
Difference data sheets are used for what
In a WP manual, where can you find information
for all changed revised, added or deleted work
How are illustrations and tables added
between existing items and how are they
What is the function of the Rapid Action Change
categories used in numbering technical
The numerical and alphabetical combination used
for a NAVAIR technical manual number identifies the
basic equipment category, main groups within the
category, specific item of equipment, type of usage,
type or model designation, and specific type of
There are two numbering systems presently in use
by NAVAIR: the older NAVAIR publication
numbering system and the newer Technical Manual
Identification Numbering System (TMINS). You must
be able to use both numbering systems.
NAVAIR Publication
Numbering System
The NAVAIR manual publication number
consists of a prefix (NAVAIR or NA for
NAVAIRSYSCOM) that designates the command
responsible for developing or maintaining the manual.
The manual number is divided into three parts,
separated by a dash (-). Additional numbers may be
added to show multiple volumes of a manual. The
three parts that make up the NAVAIR manual number
are discussed in the following paragraphs.
Part I of the publication number is the category.
Normally it is a two-digit number (in some cases two
digits and a letter). It designates the major category of
the manual; for example, 00 tells you that this is a
general manual; 01 is for airframes, 02 is for power
plants. Refer to NAVAIR 00-25-100 for a complete
breakdown of publication numbering categories.
Part II of the publication number is made up of
numbers or numbers and letters. They identify either
a basic aircraft model, the manufacturer, or the specific
class, group, or subcategory of the manual. For
example, in figure 2-16, the number F14AAA in view
A identifies the aircraft model. In view D, 75PAC
identifies Lockheed as the manufacturer of the P-3C
Part III of the publication number usually
identifies a particular type of manual. For example, -1
identifies the NATOPS flight manual, -2 the
maintenance instruction manual, -3 the structural
repair manual, and -4 the illustrated parts breakdown.