consecutive capital letter suffixes; for example, 1A
and 1B would be assigned to items added between 1
and 2 (fig. 2- 15).
The text and tabular data affected by the change to
a WP manual is indicated by the letter R or a change
bar in the left margin for material changed in the left
column, and in the right margin for material changed
in the right column. (Refer to figure 2-10.) Change
symbols for illustrations are as follows:
IPB illustrations do not require change symbols.
On line drawings (other than diagrams), a
miniature pointing hand highlights the area containing
the changed information (fig. 2-11). When several
changes are made at once in the same area of an
illustration, a change bar may be used to indicate the
general area. A vertical line next to the changed text and
callouts on illustrations is used instead of a pointing
hand. A change bar also may be used next to changed
Figure 2-15.Supplemental format, work package manual (paragraph and illustration numbering).