What information does the NATOPS Flight
Manual contain?
What type of manual describes how to fight an
Which manuals prevent the need for duplication
of standard practices in other manuals?
What does the -3 in the publication number
01-75PR4-3-1 indicate?
Aeronautical component and equipment
manuals, 03 series, cover information on what
type of equipment?
MRCs, PMCs, and SSCs provide a basis for
planning, scheduling, and complying with
scheduled maintenance requirements under
what system?
Maintenance Requirements Cards (MRCs)
Phase MRCs divide the total scheduled
maintenance tasks into small packages (phases) of
approximately the same work content, which are
accomplished sequentially at specific intervals.
The remaining cards cover the minimum daily
inspection requirements, as well as servicing and
preservation, special inspections, and, if applicable,
conditional inspections. Aircraft service period
adjustment (ASPA) evaluations are conditional
maintenance actions that are depot-level evaluations
of an aircrafts general material condition.
Periodic Maintenance Information
Cards (PMICs)
PMICs identify scheduled or forced removal items
and their replacement intervals. They also contain a
record of applicable technical directives, a
maintenance requirements index, by system, and a
conditional inspection listing.
The checklist format for inspections provides
maintenance personnel with abbreviated requirements
for turnaround and preoperational inspections. The
requirements cover those items necessary to determine
obvious defects that may have occurred during each
flight. Inspection requirements are consecutively
numbered and sequentially arranged in logical
working order.
Sequence Control
Charts/Cards (SCCs)
SCCs aid the planning and accomplishment of
scheduled and unscheduled maintenance tasks during
inspections. SCCs, as an integral part of the
maintenance program, provide a means of controlling
the assignment of work and personnel. These SCCs
indicate which MRCs are to be complied with,
numbers and specialties of personnel required, times
during which the separate jobs are scheduled for
completion, POWER/AIR OFF or ON condition
required during the work, and the area where the work
is to be performed.
Service bulletins and other publications, such as
maintenance digests, prepared by weapons systems
and equipment manufacturers are neither authorized
nor approved for distribution to naval personnel.
Information of a technical nature furnished by
weapons systems and equipment manufacturers, or
their representatives, should not be used to perform
maintenance on NAVAIR cognizant equipment.
Technical manuals or publications issued through
the NAVAIR distribution system are the only
documents authorized for operational or
maintenance performance on naval aircraft and
related equipment.
Naval activities and commands publish
periodicals of interest to the aviation maintenance
technician. Some of the most important publications
(Naval Aviation News, Approach, and Mech) are
discussed in the following paragraphs. These
magazines are intended for the worker and contain
excellent information. They should be available in the
work center.
Naval Aviation News
The Naval Aviation News is published bimonthly
for the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) by
NAVAIRSYSCOM and the Naval Historical Center.
It provides information about aircraft training and
operations, space technology, missiles, rockets,
aviation ordnance developments, aeronautical safety,