manual, the library requests the information or manual
through the CTPL.
Initial outfitting is a onetime supply action for the
technical manuals of a weapons system. ASO, Naval
Publications and Forms Directorate, provides the basic
publication and all the changes.
For mission-essential publications, the central
library submits the automatic distribution
requirements listing (ADRL). The ADRL is a tool of
the NATSF Technical Publications Library (TPL)
There are two types of publications initial
outfitting allowance lists. They are the General
Aeronautical Publications List and the Aeronautical
Publications By Weapons System List.
The General Aeronautical Publications List
includes publications and directives of a general
nature that have no application to a specific weapons
The Aeronautical Publications by Weapons
System List includes publications and directives that
apply to a specific weapons system or equipment. This
list can be further divided by level of maintenance; for
example, organizational, intermediate, or depot.
NOTE: Commands functioning with minimal
publications (10 or less) and no automatic data
processing (ADP) support may use the older Naval
Warfare Publication Library (NWPL) system for
publication management rather than the Technical
Publications Library Program.
CTPL personnel manage all libraries aboard a
particular activity. The central and dispersed libraries
work as a team.
Central Technical Publications
Library Stamp
All publications and changes, including TDs
received by the CTPL, are marked with an identifying
stamp for inventory control. The stamp identifies and
numbers all controlled publications. As a minimum,
the stamp includes the name of the activity, the
publication copy number, and location of the
publication. On basic and revised publications, this
information is stamped on the title page where the date
of publication appears. On changes and technical
directives, the information is stamped on the first page
of the publication.
Change Entry Certification
Record (CECR)
The Change Entry Certification Record (CECR),
OPNAV Form 5070/12, (fig. 2-23) ensures that
changes and revisions to technical publications have
been issued and incorporated in a timely manner.
Library personnel distribute the change data. Change
or revision material must reach all dispersed librarians
who hold a copy of the affected publication or
directive. The holder incorporates change pages in the
affected publication.
The CTPL librarian prepares a CECR form.
Dispersed librarians regularly pick up CECR forms
and the change materials. The dispersed librarian
acknowledges receipt for the materials by signing part
1 of each CECR. The central librarian then dates and
files part 1 of the CECR in a 2- to 5-day tickler file.
When the dispersed librarian completes the change, he
or she signs part 2 of the CECR form and returns it to
the central librarian. He or she also returns the pages
that were removed from the affected publication with
the completed CECR. Appropriate security measures
are followed when classified material is returned. The
central librarian receives the completed part 2 of the
CECR and annotates it with the date received, and then
files it for use in the next audit of the dispersed library.
The central librarian then updates the NWPL catalog
card. After completion of the next quarterly audit of
the dispersed library, the central librarian disposes of
all part 2 copies of the CECRs that were issued.
The QA division audits the CTPL at least annually.
QA does additional audits when any change in mission
of aircraft assignment occurs, when a CTPL clerk is
replaced, or when directed by higher authority. The
librarian for the CTPL (as a minimum) inventories all
CTPL publications by using TPL Program inventory
list as the primary inventory tool.
Discrepancies to the inventory list must be
corrected as they are detected. Other audit
responsibilities are performed at this time. This means
each publication must be stamped, arranged
alphanumerically, and have its binder annotated. The
verified NWPL catalog cards of the inventory list
should be compared with the latest copy of NAVSUP