invalid, and provides a follow-up on each deficiency
report to ensure the appropriate action is taken.
All technical publication deficiencies that meet
the criteria for safety messages must be submitted in
the prescribed message format. You should refer to the
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program, OPNAVINST
4790.2, for the format and content of the message and
the procedures for filling out OPNAV 4790/66.
Discrepancies or change recommendations of a
routine nature concerning the technical content of a
NATOPS or tactical type of manual deficiency are
submitted on a NATOPS/Tactical Change
Recommendation, OPNAV Form 3500/22, and
submitted to the cognizant NATOPS and/or tactical
model manager. Changes of an urgent nature should
be submitted directly to the NATOPS advisory group
member, through the chain of command, by priority
Q63. What report is used to improve the quality and
accuracy of technical publications?
Q64. What manual provides format and content of the
information required in a technical publications
deficiency report?
This chapter discussed the different types of
publications and manuals as well as the methods used
in updating them. However, it is beyond the scope of
this manual to cover each type of Navy publication.
We have attempted to cover the main manuals,
directives, and indexes that will aid you in your daily
tasks. You are not expected to be an expert in all areas
of your job. With the correct use of publications,
however, you can be knowledgeable. When in doubt,
look it up. It goes without saying that the most updated
information and resources must be maintained by you,
the technician. If youre working from memory, then
youre in doubt. Things change rapidly, and you can
only be sure by looking it up. You, the technician,
should be aware of the changed materials and methods.
Be a good example, not a statistic of ignorance. Use
your publications.