The Technical Publication Deficiency Report
(TPDR) is used to improve the quality and accuracy of
technical manuals. Personnel can use this program to
report errors and discrepancies found in technical
manuals. These deficiencies include, but are not
limited to, printing and grammatical errors, omissions,
and microfilm deficiencies, such as film density and
All routine technical publication deficiencies are
reported on the Technical Publications Deficiency
Report, OPNAV Form 4790/66 (fig. 2-24). The
deficiencies and recommendations are described on
this form. The original of the completed form is sent
to NATSF. A copy is sent to the cognizant field
activity (CFA). Since NATSF acts as the central
manager of ail technical publications, it maintains a
record of all technical manual deficiencies reported
and acknowledges receipt of each deficiency report to
the originator. Additionally, NATSF coordinates with
the CFA to determine if each deficiency is valid or
Figure 2-24.Technical Publication Deficiency Report (TPDR), OPNAV 4790/66.