Figure 7-19.Scheduled Removal Component (SRC) card (OPSAV 4790/28A).
Q31. In the intermediate maintenance activity (IMA),
what work center is responsible for maintaining
positive control of all accountable material?
Maintaining VIDS display boards and verify that
The quantity of like items in the supply department
the various work center VIDS display boards are
determines the priority set on the inducted item. Once
in parity. If operating under NALCOMIS. ensure
the IMA has the component, production control tracks
work centers are updating NALCOMIS as
it and manages the priority as it goes through the repair
Ensuring packaging, preservation, and
represervation is done according to applicable
technical manuals.
It is important to remember that production control
is the nerve center of the intermediate maintenance
activity (IMA). The IMAs primary purpose is to
support the squadrons and to help the supply
department support the squadrons. When a local
squadron is in need of a repairable aircraft component,
its use of a replacement part from supply directly
affects the IMA. The bad part removed from the
aircraft (retrograde component) will eventually show
up in the aeronautical material screening unit
(AMSU), and if they have the capability to repair it,
that component will be inducted in the IMA.
When informed by the repairing work center of
repair parts requirements. production control assigns
the supply priority and project code.
As discussed in chapter 3, all Navy activities are
assigned a force activity designator (FAD) for
determining priorities for material support based on
their mission. The FAD is correlated with an
urgency-of-need requirement to determine the
priority assigned to requisitions. For example, a FAD