The AQM-37C missile target (fig. 8-8) is a realistic
simulation of offensive missile and aircraft threats. It is
used to conduct weapons systems evaluation,
operationally train air-to-air missile crews, and exercise
missile weapons systems. The AQM-37C missile target
is an expendable, rocket-powered missile target capable
of flying at various altitudes and cruise speeds. The
target is designed for straight-and-level flight at
selectable speeds from Mach 0.7 to Mach 4.0 at cruise
altitudes of 1,000 to 100,000 feet, with a maximum
range of approximately 155 nautical miles.
The AQM-37C is an air-launched target. It is
launched from both carrier- and land-based aircraft.
The launcher carries the target as an external store. The
targets mission profile is determined by launch altitude,
speed, and heading. This profile has controlled rocket
engine thrust, cruise altitudes, and flight time
parameters preset by ground crew personnel before
The target is equipped with a gyro-referenced
autopilot, radar augmentation, infrared augmentation,
antennas, and an aerodynamic destruct system for flight
It is powered by the LR-64 liquid
propellant rocket engine, which is a self-contained
Figure 8-8.AQM-37C missile target.