Figure 8-9.BQM-74C/E target drone.
reinforced fiber glass construction. There is a vertical
rack in the target nose section for mounting equipment.
Equipment is mounted on both sides of the rack for
convenient equipment removal, installation, and
checkout. The target is powered by a YJ400-WR-403
variable speed, turbojet engine, which produces a
minimum of 190 pounds (240 pounds of thrust E model)
of static thrust at sea level. The 16.2-gallon fuel tank is
mounted in the fuselage center section.
The BQM-74C/E target drone is air launched from
either the A-6E or TA-4J aircraft. The target can be
surface launched from the ground or a ship. The target
flight path is remote controlled by radio commands.
Target stabilization is maintained by a gravity-erected,
two-axis, vertical displacement gyroscope. The target
is equipped with a parachute recovery subsystem and an
active flotation subsystem. After water entry, these
subsystems keep the target afloat for a minimum of
24 hours. The target has retrieval attachments that are
compatible with shipboard or helicopter retrieval
When the basic BQM-74C/E target drone is
configured for mobile sea range (MSR) and on-range
target (ORT) operations, specific mission-peculiar
equipment is added. The mission-peculiar equipment
and installation and checkout procedures are listed in
Maintenance Manual Instructions, N A V A IR
01-BQM-74C-2-1. For further information concerning
the basic BQM-74C/E target drone, you should refer to
Maintenance Instructions Target Drone Navy Model
BQM-74C/E, NAVAIR 01-BQM-74C-2-2.
The BQM-34A/S target system (fig. 8-10) is a
recoverable, jet-powered target with a service ceiling of
Figure 8-10.BQM-3A/S target system.