system can dispatch the elevator to another level.
However, it cant retrieve the elevator from another
ELEVATORS (SASS) . The SASS elevators provide
service from the special armament stowage spaces to the
hangar deck. These elevators are essentially the same
as the 5,550-pound, lower-stage elevators with two
major differences. The operator of the SASS elevator
actually rides the platform from one level to another
(personnel are strictly prohibited from riding the
platform on all other weapons elevators). The SASS
elevator also differs from the 5,500-pound elevator in
that the trunk is provided with a hangar-deck hatch.
When closed, the hatch becomes part of the hangar deck.
The hatch is opened mechanically through the elevator
control system. The hatch is lifted up into a horizontal
position and moved rearward by rollers that ride on rails
in the deck
ELEVATORS. The IWHS lower-stage weapons
elevator (fig. 11-16) services magazines and
ammunition handling areas from the 7th deck level up
to and including the main deck (hangar deck). The
IWHS is a highly sophisticated system controlled by a
PDP-14 programmable controller that continually
tracks the location of the platform to within one-twelfth
Figure 11-16.Typical IWHS lower-stage weapons elevator.
of an inch. Because of the complexity of the IWHS,
elevator operators and maintenance personnel are
extensively trained in hydraulics, electricity, and
The platform is lifted by four cables attached at the
corners. The platform machinery is located at the 3rd
deck level. The hatches are opened hydraulically. They
are designed to automatically undog-open-latch and
unlatch-close-dog. The elevator doors are also operated
The IWHS incorporates the following safety
An overspeed governor slack-cable device
An overspeed governor device
A hydraulic interlock to prevent two hatches
from being opened at the same time
A hydraulic interlock to prevent hatches from
closing when dogs are in the dogged position
An electrical interlock to prevent opening a
magazine door unless the platform is at that
An electrical interlock to prevent opening more
than one magazine door at a time
A pressure switch to prevent operation of the
elevator when the hydraulic pressure is below
1,200 psi
An electrical interlock to prevent platform
high-speed travel beyond the sequence-level
slowdown switch
An electrical interlock to prevent platform travel
beyond the sequence level until the main deck
hatch is opened and latched
An electrical interlock to prevent movement
of the platform until the lockbars are fully
In addition to the operator controllers located at
each access door and the 2d deck main controller, a
portable main controller may be used at the main
deck level. Normally, there is one IWHS installed
forward to service the forward-magazine group and one
installed aft to service the aft-magazine group. These
elevators support the Improved Rearming Rate Program