2. Submission by naval message. A naval mes-
sage is used only for those MILSTRIP documents
specifically excluded from submission by DAAS.
Requisition System Document (DD
Form 1348)
Preparation of a DD Form 1348 requisition
system document is described in detail in the following
paragraphs. Refer to the sample DD Form 1348, shown
in figure 17-9, as you read this section.
NOTE: A complete list of MILSTRIP codes
are contained in NAVSUP Publication 437 or
NAVSUP Publication 485. However, you can
quickly locate commonly used codes and
definitions by referring to the MILSTRIP/
MILSTRAP Desk Guide, NAVSUP Publication
DATA BLOCK A (SEND TO:). Enter the Service
Designator code, Unit Identification Code (UIC), and
the name of the activity to which the requisition is
submitted. Identification of the supply source is a
mandatory entry. In this case, the service designator is
indicated by the letter N and the UIC is indicated by the
number 00109. This UIC identifies Naval Weapons
Station, Yorktown, Virginia, as the supply source.
Enter the Service Designator code, UIC, and name of
the requisitioning activity.
DATA BLOCK C. You may enter the noun name of
the item requested in this block This is an optional entry,
and completion of block C depends upon local policy.
DATA BLOCKS D, E, and F. Leave these blocks
C A R D C O L U M N S 1 T H R O U G H 3
Identifier code is a mandatory entry. It identifies the
purpose of the document (requisition, follow-up,
modifier, or cancellation). Supply actions, such as
follow-ups, modifiers, and cancellations are discussed
later in this chapter. To requisition enter the applicable
document identifier as follows:
1. For material for delivery within the Continental
United States (CONUS) or from an overseas activity to
a Navy activity in the same geographic location, use one
of the following document identifiers:
a. AOA when requisitioning with an NSN
b. AOD when requisitioning with a DODAC
c. AOE when the requisition contains data in
the remarks block
2. For material to be delivered from CONUS to an
overseas site, use one of the following document
a. A01 when requisitioning with an NSN
b. A04 when requisitioning with a DODAC
c. A05 when the requisition contains data in the
remarks block
Thus, the document identifier AOD informs you
that the item is being requisitioned by using the item
DODAC. It also informs you that both the supply
source and the requisitioner are in CONUS; or, that both
Figure 17-9.DD Form 1348.