Changes to the shipfill allowance list requires prior
approval of the Chief of Naval Operations. A proposed
change should be submitted by letter from the ship
concerned through the normal chain of command.
Changes to the cargo or mission load allowance lists
require prior approval of CINCLANTFLT. Proposed
changes to the cargo or mission load allowance lists
should be submitted to CINCLANTFLT through the
normal chain of command.
Check-sum-digit. The check-sum-digit is the last
digit in a sum of numbers. It is entered after a slant mark
(/) immediately following the number being checked.
For example, in the entry E487 (4+8+7=19), 9 is the
check-sum-digit. The entry is written as E487/9. The
check-sum-digit provides NOC with a check and
balance to ensure that the proper NALC is entered on
DD Form 1345, register four.
Cognizance symbol (COG). The cognizance
symbol is a two-digit NSN prefix that identifies the
systems command, office, agency, or inventory control
point exercising supply management for a specific
category of ammunition. For example, in NSN
2E1425-00-940-1347-E075, the two-digit symbol 2E is
the COG. (Refer to fig. 17-8.) COG symbols are listed
in NAVAIR 11-1-116B/TW010-AA-ORD-030.
Complete round. A complete round is one that is or
can be assembled from any acceptable combination of
components. It is capable of being used operationally
without the performance of work on the round other than
normal assembly operations.
Department of Defense Ammunition Code
(DODAC). The Department of Defense Ammunition
Code (DODAC) is made up of the federal supply class
(FSC) plus the DODIC or NALC. For example, in NSN
2E1425-00-940-1347-E075, the DODAC is 1425E075.
(See fig. 17-8.)
Figure 17-8.NationaI stock number (NSN) breakdown.
Department of Defense Identification Code
(DODIC). The Department of Defense Identification
Code (DODIC) is a four-digit code assigned by the
Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC), and it
identifies ammunition and explosive items. The
acronyms DODIC and NALC, or their respective
meanings, are used interchangeably in the remainder of
this chapter.
Expenditure. An expenditure occurs when an item
is permanently removed from the Navy inventory. A
round that is detonated, burned, fired, exploded,
surveyed or lost by inventory, deepwater dumped, or
transferred to other services or another country is posted
and reported as an expenditure. Transfers of
ammunition to other Navy/Marine Corps activities are
NOT expenditures. The various types of expenditures
include combat, training, test and evaluation,
operational, disposal, loss by inventory, and transfers out
of the Navy reporting system.
Gain by inventory (GBI). A GBI is an increase in
the asset position based upon physical inventory of an
ammunition item.
Issue. An issue is the transfer of an item, regardless
of its serviceability condition, to another activity. This
includes off-loads to shore activities and transfers to
other ships.
Lead time. Lead time is the time difference between
the Julian date of the requisition and the required
FOSAMS stands for Fleet Optical Scanning Ammunition Marking System.
The technology FOSAMS uses is the optical scanning physical inventory.
The weapons officer has absolute authority and responsibility for managing the
FOSAMS computer system.
The FOSAMS report that lists all transactions processed that day is the Daily
Transaction Report.