3. Quantity on hand
a. Serviceable
b. Unserviceable/suspended
4. Allowance
5. Percent of allowance on board
The foregoing data is provided by Navy
Ammunition Logistics Code (NALC), Department of
Defense Identification Code (DODIC), or by activity
(listing the NALCs/DODICs carried by each activity).
The accuracy of CAIMS relates to the ammunition
actually on hand at your command. Therefore, you must
accurately report all receipts, issues, Condition code
changes, and inventory adjustments. Currently, Navy
activities report to CAIMS by two methods
transaction item reports (TIRs) and ammunition
transaction reports (ATRs). TIRs are transceived daily
by activities that use automated information systems.
ATRs are submitted by fleet activities via naval
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Use the terms and
definitions associated with ammunition
requisitioning and turn-in; describe the
procedures to be followed when preparing
requisition documents; identify the variables
that affect requisitioning by fleet units; and
describe file maintenance procedures, turn-in
procedures, and temporary custody of
ordnance ashore.
The military standard requisitioning and issue
procedures (MILSTRIP) are used for ordering all
ordnance. MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP Manual, NAV-
SUP P-437, and Afloat Supply Procedures Manual,
NAVSUP P-485, provide complete MILSTRIP
procedures. Each fleet commander (CINCLANTFLT
and CINCPACFLT) issues instructions that provide
detailed guidance for requisition and turn-in of ammuni-
tion within their jurisdiction, The information and
procedures in both instructions are basically the same.
For simplicity, the information in this chapter
pertains to units within the Atlantic Fleet and European
areas. (The references are CINCLANTFLT-
INST 8010.4 and NAVORDCENINST 8010.2.)
Because you work with ordnance, you need to be
familiar with ammunition terms and definitions. Some
terms are discussed in more detail later in this chapter.
The following terms and definitions are used throughout
this chapter:
All-Up-Round (AUR). An AUR is a weapon that is
issued as a complete assembly (less wings and fins).
Ammunition. Ammunition is conventional
expendable ordnance material, which includes gun-type
ammunition, bombs, rockets, ASW weapons, guided
missiles, mines, torpedoes, demolition, and pyrotechnic
materials. For the purpose of this discussion,
ammunition includes all items assigned a four-digit
NALC as listed in the publication Navy Ammunition
Logistics Codes, NAVAIR 11-1-116B/TW010-AA-
ORD-030. This also includes OT-cognizance material
(Marine Corps expendable ordnance).
Ammunition allowances. Ammunition allowances
are established to maintain operational units in a
mission-ready posture.
The different types and
quantities of ammunition a unit is allowed to carry
depends upon the units mission assignment. Also, a
units ammunition allowance reflects allowances for
training, peacetime missions, and wartime missions.
Ammunition allowance lists are approved by the
Chief of Naval Operations. Ammunition stocking level
lists identify the type and quantity of combat ordnance
authorized to be carried on board. Separate cargo and/or
mission load ammunition allowance lists are provided
for combat landing force (CLF) ships, amphibious force
ships, tenders and aircraft carriers, which are developed
by the fleet and type commanders. These lists identify
the ordnance authorized to support the mission
assignment. A few of the ammunition allowances are
described in the following statements.
Approved basic stock level of ammunition
(ABSLA) is the quantity of non-nuclear ordnance at a
shore facility to support all aspects of that activitys
mission until resupply can be effected.
Cargo load allowance is the allowance of
ammunition carried by AE, AOE, AOR, and AO class
ships. This ammunition is issued to other fleet units in
support of their assigned mission.
Mission load allowance is the allowance of
ammunition carried by CV, LPH, AD, and AS class ships
in support of their assigned mission, exclusive of the
shipss own armament.
Shipfill allowance (formerly ships service
allowance) is the allowance of ammunition for the ships
permanently installed armament. Shipfill ammunition does
not include-ammunition held for issue to other activities.