Figure 14-2.Typical aircraft grounding point ashore.
certified ground eyelet (fig. 14-2) or a common static
ground. Next, connect the cable to an authorized ground
receptacle or unpainted surface of the aircraft. You
should refer to Electrical Grounding for Aircraft Safety,
MIL-HDBK-247(AS), for further information on
aircraft grounding.
Ensure, if applicable, that safety pins are installed
in all loaded parent racks, and verify that all cockpit
armament selectors are in the OFF or SAFE position.
Next, open the pylon access doors on all parent
stations to be loaded. Verify that the cartridges are
removed from the breech chambers and the auxiliary
release unit. Retract the sway braces to the full up
position, retract the ejector foot to the full up position,
and open all suspension hooks.
If you are going to load an IMER/ITER, verify
that an adapter connector and an electric fuze
adapter harness (if applicable) are installed. Also,
make sure the pullout bails are attached to the bail
The following information will give you some idea
of the steps you would follow to prepare or inspect an
IMER/ITER for loading. Visually inspect the parent
rack to ensure a safety pin is installed and the rack is
locked. Make sure the parent rack breech caps are
removed, the cartridges are not installed, and the parent
rack sway braces and ejector foot are properly adjusted
and positioned.
Also, there should be an adapter
connector installed in the aircraft and connected to the
IMER/ITER with the pullout bail attached to the bail bar
(fig. 14-3).
If electric fuzing is used, you need to check that
an electric fuze adapter harness is installed and
connected to the IMER/ITER. If applicable, make sure
the pullout bail is attached to the bail bar, as shown in
figure 14-3. Then, disconnect the breech caps and
verify that the cartridges are removed from all
ejector units. Make sure the breech caps are positioned
to prevent damage during weapons loading. Then,
open all suspension hooks. Adjust the inboard
sway braces to the diameter of the weapon, as shown in
To find information on aircraft ordnance and ordnance accessories, you should
refer to the applicable NATOPS flight/tactical manuals.
A change to or request for a deviationfiom a NATOPS flight or tactical manual
should be submitted to the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR).
NAVAIRSYSCOM resolves conflicts between weapons/stores loading manuals
and other publications.
NATOPS manuals are issued by the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO).
At sea, the responsibility for dearming forward-firing ordnance belongs to the
CVW arm/dearm crew.