AWB Airborne weapons bulletin.
AWC Airborne weapons change.
AYB Accessory bulletin.
AYC Accessory change.
BD Base detonating.
BDU Bomb dummy unit.
CHAFF A radar reflective material used to deceive
or counteract unfriendly radar or destructive
offensive ordnance.
C H E C K L I S T An individual sequence of
procedures bearing a title and constituting a part
of a publication designated as the loading
CINCLANTFLT Commander-in-Chief Atlantic
CINCPACFLT Commander-in-Chief Pacific Fleet.
prior-to-launch evolution when the pilot is
commencing general aircraft ground inspection
CNO Chief of Naval Operations.
or checks and extending until the inspections or
checks are complete.
CO Commanding Officer.
BIT, BITE Built-in test.
COG Cognizance symbol, Indicates the command,
bureau, or office that has control over supply
BPDSMS Basic Point Defense Surface Missile
and/or distribution of the material.
CAD Cartridge-actuated device.
weapons. This excludes all biological weapons
and generally excludes chemical weapons except
CAIMS Conventional Ammunition Integrated
for existing smoke, incendiary agents, and agents
Management System.
of riot-control weapons.
CARTRIDGE A complete assembly consisting of
an initiator and a pressure-producing propellant
in a suitable case. Impulse cartridges have no
projectiles. A cartridge may be electrically or
mechanically fired.
CAUTION An operating procedure, practice, or
condition that, if not strictly observed, could
result in damage to or destruction of equipment.
CBU Cluster bomb unit. It consists of a number of
bombs contained in a dispenser or clustering
device and suspended from a bomb rack. A
CBU may function while on the rack or after
CV Aircraft carrier.
DAAS Defense Automatic Addressing System.
DEARMING AREA That area where a weapon is
changed from a state of readiness for initiation
to a safe condition.
When forward-firing
weapons are involved, the area ahead of the
aircraft must be clear and kept clear until
weapon safing procedures are completed.
DODIC Department of Defense Identification
DOT Department of Transportation.
CCG Computer control group.
DOWNLOADING An operation that removes
airborne weapons/stores from aircraft.
CCO Combat cargo officer.
DROPPING SAFE Releasing an airborne
CG Center of gravity.
weapon/store in a safe or unarmed condition so
that it will not function upon impact.