Figure 17-21.Example of an Ammunition Master Stock Record Card (NAVSUP Form 1296) with several types of actions posted.
the serviceable on-hand column. You must also enter
the ATR serial number on which this transaction was
ENTRY DATE 85089. This entry indicates the 21
unserviceable/suspended items that have been
off-loaded. You should enter the document number on
which the material was shipped in blocks 2a, 2b, and 2c.
Enter the amount off-loaded in block 3b (QUANTITY).
Then, deduct the amount issued (21) from the
unserviceable/suspended on-hand balance (21). This
leaves an unserviceable/suspended on-hand balance of
zero. You must also enter the ATR serial number on
which this transaction was reported.
ENTRY DATE 85135. This entry indicates that 707
rounds were off-loaded. You should enter the document
number on which the material was shipped in the
appropriate blocks. Enter the quantity shipped in the
issued column. Now, deduct this amount from the
serviceable on-hand balance. This leaves a remaining
balance of zero. The unexpended training on-hand
balance is also zero because it was included in the
serviceable on-hand balance.
You can see there is a close relationship between the
ammunition stock record cards and the ATRs. ATRs are
filed by serial number. Each transaction reported on an
ATR is posted on the Ammunition Master Stock Record
Card, along with the applicable ATR serial number.
Therefore, any transaction regarding a particular NALC
can be verified quickly and efficiently.
The Ammunition Lot/Location Card, NAVSUP
Form 1297 (green), is used to record lot numbers and
stowage locations of items. This card is used with the
Ammunition Master Stock Record Card and should be
filed by NALC behind each Ammunition Master Stock
Record Card.
Nearly all items of ordnance are assigned a lot
number and are lot controlled. However, it is not always
practical to place every item under lot control; for
example, practice bombs or general-purpose bombs.
These items are used in such large quantities that it is
impractical to record the lot number for each item
expended. However, when these items are received, the