pertinent packaging information, such as 2,000
rounds/case or 50 rounds/box. This entry is not
absolutely necessary but is beneficial when you have to
do an inventory.
BLOCK 9 (ALLOWANCE). Enter the shipfill,
mission, load, or cargo load allowance, as applicable. It
is possible for a particular NALC to be applicable to two
or more allowances. When this situation exists, you
must maintain a separate Ammunition Master Stock
Record Card for each allowance category. For example,
there are presently 20,000 rounds of AO11 authorized
aboard the ship. The allowances are 10,000 rounds as
shipfill allowance, 5,000 rounds as mission allowance,
and 5,000 rounds as load allowance. Although all
20,000 rounds were received in the same shipment and
stowed in the same magazine, you still must initiate one
Ammunition Master Stock Record Card for each of the
three allowance categories. You must ensure
expenditures are posted to the correct Ammunition
Master Stock Record Card within the correct allowance
Enter the quantity that represents 90 percent of the
applicable shipfill allowance (this is for shipfill
allowance only). For example, when the shipfill
allowance permits an allowance of 20,000 rounds
aboard, you are required to maintain an on-hand balance
of 18,000 rounds.
B L O C K 1 1 ( A N N U A L T R A I N I N G
ALLOWANCE). Enter the annual training allowance,
as appropriate.
NALC as shown in the Stock List of Navy Ammunition,
TW010-AA-ORD-010/NAVAIR 11-1-116A.
BLOCK 13 (COG). Enter the appropriate
cognizance symbol.
nomenclature and other information, such as the NSN.
Enter the MCC if a SLIT reportable item (B, C, E).
BLOCK 16 (ACC). Enter the appropriate activity
Classification code, as discussed previously in this
BLOCK 17 (DOT). Enter the DOT hazard class as
indicated in the Navy Transportation Safety Handbook
For Hazardous Materials, NAVSEA OP 2165,
volume 2.
BLOCK 18 (NEW). Enter the net explosive weight
(NEW) in this block. NEWs can be found in the Navy
Transportation Safety Handbook For Hazardous
Materials, NAVSEA OP 2165, volume 2.
appropriate building or magazine number where the
materials are located
BLOCK 20 (CG HAZ CL). Enter the Coast Guard
hazard class as indicated in the Navy Transportation
Safety Handbook for Hazardous Materials, NAVSEA
OP 2165, volume 2.
Figure 17-21 is an example of an Ammunition
Master Stock Record Card with several types of actions
posted. A few of these entries are discussed in the
following paragraphs.
The actions discussed are
identified in Block 1 (ENTRY DATE) as follows:
BALANCE FORWARD. The balance forward line
indicates the beginning on-hand balance is 746. Of the
746, none are unserviceable, 150 are allotted for
training, and none are on order.
ENTRY DATE 84312. This entry indicates that 63
rounds are expended under a type F (training)
expenditure. You must deduct the 63 rounds expended
from the serviceable on-hand total. This leaves a total
of 683 rounds. Since this is a training expenditure, you
must also deduct 63 rounds from the unexpended
training allowance. This leaves a total of 87 rounds.
Now, the ATR serial number on which the transaction
was reported is entered. The second entry date of 88312
indicates that 63 rounds are on order (block 6).
ENTRY DATE 84350. This entry indicates that the
63 rounds ordered on 84312 have been received. You
should enter the document number, the amount
received, and add the amount received to the serviceable
on-hand total (receipt) in the appropriate blocks. Also,
you must enter the ATR serial number on which this
transaction was reported.
ENTRY DATE 84353. This entry indicates that a
notice of ammunition reclassification (NAR) was
received. The NAR number is 472-76. This number
should be entered in blocks 2a, 2b, and 2c. This
particular NAR indicates that Lot BE-68-SJ-55 is
You should refer to the ammunition
lot/location card to verify that this particular lot number
is aboard. Ammunition lot/location cards are discussed
later in this chapter. In this case, there are 21 items
aboard with this lot number. Therefore, you must add a
total of 21 items to the unserviceable/suspended
on-hand column and subtract a total of 21 items from