materials are available, fabricate a wooden roof-type
cover like the one shown in figure 12-6, and placed it on
the top layer of the ammunition pile.
barricades or revetments around individual piles of
ammunition, similar to that shown in figure 12-7, are
easily erected and protect ammunition from fire and
explosion. Each barricade should beat least 3 feet wide
at the top and 1 foot higher than the ammunition that it
existing buildings are used to store ammunition. Each
building should be of fire-resistant construction, and it
should protect ammunition against moisture and
dampness. It should have adequate ventilation and have
substantial flooring to support the ammunition. An
existing building should afford adequate protection to
the ammunition and adjacent areas.
CAVES AND TUNNELS. Caves and tunnels are
used to store ammunition if they are reasonably dry and
free of moisture seepage. Most types of ammunition
may be stored in caves and tunnels. In very hot climates,
however, dont store ammunition that contains
smokeless powder in caves and tunnels unless they are
ventilated, either by natural or artificial means, to
prevent the accumulation of ether fumes.
OPEN STORAGE. Ammunition is stored in the
open at advanced bases to supplement magazine space.
However, when ammunition is stored outdoors, special
consideration must be given to protecting it from the
Identification of Magazines and Open
Storage Sites
When practicable, magazines, buildings used as
magazines, and piles of ammunition stored in the open
are marked according to the system of identification you
have already read about. At advanced bases, the
identification system consists of two parts-a group
construction symbol and a symbol hazard indicator.
The group construction symbol is a three-group
symbol that consists of the following:
1. A number indicating the group in which the
magazine or open storage site is located,
Figure 12-6.Amnmnition protected by a wooden, roof-type cover.