Figure 12-7.Revetted stowage of aircraft bombs.
2. A letter or group of letters designating the type
and capacity of the magazine, and
3. A number designating the sequence of the
magazine within the magazine group or area.
Letter designators for advanced base storage are
indicated in table 12-11. To indicate the nature of the
construction of the magazine, the letter T is added if the
magazine is earth-covered and barricaded; the letter C
is added if the magazine is earth-covered, but the door
isnt barricaded. The letter T is also used to designate
revetted storages. Advanced base magazines, buildings
used as magazines, caves, tunnels, and open storage
sites do not conform to the standard magazine sizes
prescribed in NAVSEA OP 5, volume 1. Therefore, the
letters X, Y, or Z that identify explosion hazard, fire
hazard, or fragment hazard, respectively, are used in
place of the standard letter designators. Accordingly,
XT is applied to an earth-covered, barricaded, advanced
base magazine that is used for storing high explosives.
Also, RZT is part of a designator for fragment-hazard
material in a revetted storage.
In addition, the following information must be
conspicuously posted on one door in each magazine or
building that contains ammunition
1. The hazard classification of ammunition
(explosion, fire, or fragment) stored there.
2. The maximum quantities of ammunition in each
hazard classification as determined from the
quantity-distance (Q-D) tables.
Table 12-11.Letter Designators for Advanced Base Storage