F-14 and F/A-18 aircraft. The AIM-120 is an AUR thatconsists of a guidance section, armament section,propulsion section, and control section.The guidancesection consist of a radome, seekercomponents, electronics unit, inertial reference unit,target detection device, batteries, power converter, andrelated harnesses and hardware.The armamentsection includes a WDU-33/bfragmenting warhead, Mk-44 booster, and a FZU-49/Bsafe and arm fuze (SAF).The propulsionsection consists of a dual-thrust,solid-propellant, low-smoke, rocket motor, a blast tubeand exit cone, and an arm/fire device (AFD).The controlsection includes four independentlycontrolled electromechanical actuators, four thermalbatteries, a data link assembly, and associated hardware.The control surfaces are locked in position by gaspressure-operated mechanical locks during groundhandling and captive carry. During launch, apyrotechnic gas generator creates enough gas pressureto unlock the control surfaces.REVIEW NUMBER 3Q1. Within the radome of the Sparrow III missile,what feature receives and interprets the radarenergy reflected from the target?Q2.Q3.Q4.Q5.Q6.Q7.Q8.Q9.Q10.What part of the Sparrow III missile providescontrol signals and mechanical energy to moveexternal control surfaces that guide the missile?To what part of the Sparrow missile is the DRTMattached?Name the aircraft from which the Harpoonguided missile is launched.The Harpoon missile is less susceptible to radardetection becauseList the sections of the Harpoon missile.Sidewinder missiles are equipped with_________ target detection.List the five mjor components of the Sidewindermissile.By what means is the S&A device aligned?What feature of the Sidewinder missile providesaerodynamic lift and stability during flight?Phoenix MissileThe tactical AIM-54C Phoenix (fig. 3-11) is anair-launched, air-to-air guided missile that employsactive, semiactive, and passive homing capabilities.The AIM-54C is used as a long-range, air-interceptmissile launched from the F-14 aircraft. It is equippedwith the AWG-9 Airborne Missile Control SystemFigure 3-11.—AIM-54 Phoenix guided missile (typical).3-14
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