Table 17-8.Requisitioning Channels for Air-Launched Missiles and SE COG Materials
respective type commander must approve the material
reserved for the ship and issued to meet the RDD. If the
request before the appropriate MOMAG unit can release
stock point does not have the material. the requisition is
the material. Type commander approval must be
referred to the inventory manager. The inventory
received by the mine assembly activity at least 30
manager does one of the following four things:
working days before the RDD. CINCLANTFLT,
Commanding Officer, Mine War Command
1. Refers the requisition to another stock point that
(COMINEWARCOM); Commanding Officer, Mobile
has the material available or due in the RDD.
Mine Assembly Group (COMOMAG); and the
2. Refers the requisition to the U.S. Army
appropriate chain of command must be included as
information addresses on all mine requests.
Armament Material Command (ARRCOM) for issue by
the Army.
3. Rejects the requisition. The requisitioner is
Thus far, you have learned about the procedures for
notified of the reason why it cannot be filled, and unless
requisitioning ammunition. However, you cannot
merely submit requisitions and then sit back and expect
otherwise advised, the requisition is canceled.
all materials to be in place for loadout. Careful
4. Refers the requisition to CINCLANTFLT or the
monitoring of actions taken on requisitions by the
type commander for possible redistribution of assets
ammunition supply system and judicious expediting
within fleet units.
As a final alternative,
action is necessary to ensure the best possible loadout.
CINCLANTFLT will attempt to redistribute fleet assets
The following paragraphs discuss actions required of
to meet the requirement.
the requisitioner to ensure that requisitions are
processed expeditiously and are not lost.
Requisition Status
Requisition Processing
To keep units informed of action taken on their
Although there are many variations for specific
requisitions, MILSTRIP processing activities provide
items, requisitions normally follow a particular path.
status follow-ups according to the Media and Status
For example, a person aboard a ship submits requisitions
code selected in the requisition. Normally, status is
to an ammunition stock point, such as a weapons station.
provided to requisitioners by messages or punched and
If the stock point has the material requisitioned, it is
printed cards in MILSTRIP format.