DATA BLOCKS 8 THROUGH 22. Enter the NSNof the item.The NSN can be found inTW010-AA-ORD-010/NAVAIR 11-1-116A.DATA BLOCKS 23 AND 24. Enter the unit ofissue. Combatants (such as CVs) should always use theabbreviation RD (rounds) for the unit of issue.DATA BLOCKS 25 THROUGH 29. Enter thequantity that is turned in.DATA BLOCKS 30 THROUGH 43. Enter the localdocument control number.DATA BLOCKS 55 AND 56. Enter the cognizancesymbol of the material.DATA BLOCKS 57 THROUGH 59. Enter one ofthe Project codes listed in table 17-9. When none of theProject codes listed in table 17-9 fit the reason forturn-in, leave these data blocks blankDATA BLOCKS 74 THROUGH 80. Enter the unitprice as listed in TW010-AA-ORD-010/NAVAIR11-1-116A.DATA BLOCK A. Enter the Service code, UIC,name, and hull number of the ship.Table 17-9.—Project CodesDATA BLOCK B. Enter the Service code, UIC, andthe name of the ship or activity (hull number, ifapplicable) that is to receive the material.DATA BLOCK E. Enter the total extended price bymultiplying the unit price by the quantity being shipped.DATA BLOCK P. Enter the appropriate materialCondition code. Material condition codes are listed inConventional Ammunition Integrated ManagementSystem (CAIMS), NOCINST 8010.2 (series), chapter I,section 2, attachment C.DATA BLOCK U. Enter the DOT class and CGclass.DATA BLOCK V. Enter the lot number and/orserial number, if required. When an air-launch missileis being shipped, the missile serial number and MDDmust be entered in this data block. When shippingseveral missiles, you may have to list the serial numbersand MMDs on a separate sheet of paper and attach it tothe reverse side of the DD Form 1348-1.DATA BLOCK W. Enter the DODIC/NALC of thematerial. A separate DD Form 1348-1 must be used foreach DODIC/NALC shipped.DATA BLOCK X. Enter the noun name of the itemas listed in TW010-AA-ORD-010/NAVAIR 11-1-116A.DATA BLOCK 2. Enter the type of container used.DATA BLOCK 5. Enter the number of containers.DATA BLOCK AA. Enter the Navy ammunitionreclassification (NAR) number or other remarks thatexplain the reason for turn-in.Immediately upon receipt of a NAR, commandsshould determine whether stocks on hand include anyof the affected lots or types listed on the NAR. Actionmust be taken to ensure that the use or issue of affectedammunition is consistent with the newly assignedCondition code. When required, package and ship theammunition as directed by the NAR. Activities arerequired to make reports regarding NARs. Negativereports are also required.DATA BLOCK BB. Enter either LIVE AMMO orINERT AMMO, as applicable.DATA BLOCK FF. For inert items only, enterCERTIFIED TO BE INERT.DATA BLOCK GG. Enter APPROVED FORTRANSFER and the name of the person approving thetransfer. All turn-ins must be approved for transfer bythe signature of the accountable officer or petty officerspecified in the activity’s organization and regulations17-23
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