COLUMN H. Enter expenditure of material for
noncombat operational purposes (an activitys assigned
mission), such as search and rescue, contact evaluation,
firepower demonstrations, and humanitarian or
lifesaving missions.
Firings for which no training
allowance is established, such as test primers,
pyrotechnics, markers, offensive hand grenades, and
saluting charges, are also entered in column H.
COLUMN I. Enter expenditure of material because
of destruction, jettison, or deepwater dump. This
column should be used only to report actual disposal. It
should NOT be used to report transfer of material for
disposal. The latter should be reported as an issue.
COLUMN J. Enter expenditure of material because
of loss by inventory (LBI). LBIs must be accompanied
by amplifying remarks in paragraph 7 of the ATR.
COLUMN K Enter expenditure of material
because of transfer/issue to the Army, Air Force, Coast
Guard, or foreign governments.
COLUMN L. Enter the quantity of serviceable
on-hand assets.
COLUMN M. Enter the quantity of unserviceable/
suspended on-hand material.
COLUMN N. Enter the MILSTRIP document
number. NOC maintains an in-transit file of all issues
from CONUS shore activities to fleet units. To clear or
offset this file, receiving activities must show the
MILSTRIP document number for each receipt from a
CONUS shore activity, including CV loadouts by an
AE/AOE class ship.
You should take care to ensure entries under each
report column in paragraph 6 are aligned. When the
number of characters in a line exceeds the
communications capacity, the columns should be split
between columns K and L. This split will place columns
L, M, and N on a different line of the report.
When it becomes necessary to correct the quantity
on hand as of the last report (column B), appropriate
entries are entered in the receipts, issues, or expenditure
columns of the current ATR to mathematically balance
and adjust the on-hand totals to the correct totals. To
ensure all entries are understandable, you can provide
narrative remarks in paragraph 7 of the ATR.
You must ensure components reported as combat or
training expenditures correctly reflect complete rounds.
For example, when your unit expended 100 Mk 82
bombs with mechanical nose fuzes and conical fins, you
have to expend each individual component under its
respective NALC.
You would expend 100 Mk 82
bombs, 100 mechanical nose fuzes, 100 conical fins, and
100 arming wires.
You should ensure transaction reports are
submitted when assets are shifted from serviceable
to unserviceable. After filling in the appropriate
columns, ensure each line in the report is
mathematically balanced. For example, columns
B+C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K = L+M. All entries are in the
check-sum-digit format.
Paragraph 7.
Enter narrative remarks, as
appropriate. All GBIs are identified in this paragraph as
well as column C of paragraph 6. All LBIs are identified
by an entry in column J of paragraph 6 and a detailed
explanation (including the date-time group) of the
missing, lost, stolen, recovered (MLSR) report that was
submitted. When ammunition is missing, lost, stolen,
or recovered, Missing, Lost, Stolen Government
Property, Reporting of, SECNAVINST 5500.4 (series),
requires that a report be submitted. Paragraph 7 is used
to identify activities that issued and/or received the
materials. When materials are reclassified you should
give the NALC of the item and authorization for the
reclassification. This paragraph is also used for
reporting items accounted for by serial number, lot
number, or registration number.
Issues To Aircraft Squadrons
Aircraft Squadrons are not CAIMS reporting activities
(except for sonobuoys). Therefore, all issues to aircraft
squadrons are converted by CAIMS to training
expenditures. Ordnance normally loaded and retained
aboard aircraft (CADs) or retained in custody of the squadron
(inert training ordnance) is reported as expended at the
time of issue. Ordnance of this nature that is subsequently
turned in by an aircraft squadron is reported as a receipt.
For ordnance that is normally unloaded after a
mission (bombs, rockets, missiles, or torpedoes), no
report of issues or expenditures should be made unless
the ordnance was actually expended. Squadrons are
responsible for advising their support unit/activity of the
ordnance actually expended (by expenditure category),
returned, and/or retained. Upon notification of actual
expenditures, the support unit/activity should submit the
appropriate transaction report.
Serial/Lot Item Tracking (SLIT)
SLIT is required for air-and surface-launch missiles
and boosters. SLIT provides for the complete tracking
of certain items from birth to death by their unique serial
or lot number.