Gains and Losses by Inventory Reports
An example of an ATR with GBIs and LBIs is
shown in figure 17-15. The reporting of GBIs is
basically the same as previously discussed for reporting
receipts. In figure 17-15, NALC A662 is reported as a
GBI. Column A lists the NALC, column B lists the total
quantity on hand as of the last report, column C lists the
quantity gained by inventory, and column L lists the new
total-on-hand balance. NALC A662 is entered in
paragraph 7 of the report as a GBI with a brief
The ATR also shows NALCs A661 and M128 as
LBIs. Note that column A lists the NALC, column B
lists the total quantity on hand as of the last report,
column C lists the quantity received as zero because no
material was received, column J lists the quantity LBI,
and column L lists the total quantity remaining. The
column J quantity must be deducted from the quantity
in column B. An entry is made in paragraph 7 of the
report showing NALCs A661 and M128 as LBIs. The
LBI involving NALC A661 was an error in reporting,
and no further action is required. Since the loss of
NALC M128 cannot be determined, an MLSR report
was submitted and the date-time group of that message
is indicated.
Receipts and Issues for Further
Transfer Reports
An example of the ATR showing receipts and issues
FFT is shown in figure 17-16. Since the material
involved is FFT to USS Saratoga and USS America,
these two ships are information addressees on the ATR
Figure 17-15.ATR showing gains and losses by inventory.