ATR is CONFIDENTIAL and declassified (DECL)
after 6 years.
ATRs are CONFIDENTIAL when paragraph 7
contains reports of expenditures of tactical missiles or
remarks classified by other directives.
All ATRs should be submitted to NOC
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, with an information
copy to CINCLANTFLT. Reports submitted by
deployed units must also include CINCUSNAVEUR
and COMSERVFORSIXTHFLT as information
addressees. Reports that contain information relative to
lightweight torpedoes must also include the activitys
type commander as an information addressee. Reports
that contain information relative to mine material must
also include COMINEWARCOM and COMOMAG as
information addressees. Activities afloat that receive
ammunition from or issue ammunition to another afloat
activity must ensure the issuing/receiving activity is an
information addressee on the ATR.
The subject line of the ATR is SUBJ: AMMO
TRANS RPT CINCLANTFLT 8010.4. The remainder
of the ATR should be completed in the following format.
Paragraph 1. Enter the number of NALCs included
in paragraph 6 of the report. Spell out the numbers. For
example, when you are reporting 47 items in paragraph
6, you should make the entry ITEMS: FOUR SEVEN.
Paragraph 2. Enter the sequential serial number of
the report. Spell out the digits. Initial ATR serial
numbers begin with the number 1 (for a newly
commissioned command) and subsequent reports are
numbered through 999. At this point, only the sequence
will recommence with the number 1. You do NOT
revert to serial number 1 at the beginning of a new
calendar/fiscal year.
All ATRs released from one
activity, regardless of ammunition type or activity
classification, are numbered in the same sequence.
These serial numbers are used by NOC to detect missing
reports. For example, you should enter the serial
number 897 as SER: EIGHT NINE SEVEN.
Paragraph 3. Enter the UIC. This entry is made by
using the check-sum-digit method. For example,
assume the UIC is 36725. You should enter this as UIC:
Paragraph 4. Enter the activity classification letter
code. Spell out the letter code. For example, ALFA,
BRAVO, DELTA. When the days transactions involve
more than one activity classification, you must report
each activity classification on separate reports by using
the same date but different serial numbers. Refer to
table 17-10 for a list of activity Classification codes.
Paragraph 5. Enter the Julian date on which the
transaction actually occurred, NOT the date the message
is prepared. The Julian date is entered by using the
check-sum-digit method. For example, if the
transaction occurred on March 20, 1988, the date would
be entered as DATE: 88080/4.
Paragraph 6. The data entered in this paragraph
must be arranged in columnar format. Each column is
lettered from A through N, and a letter must head each
column. However, when a column or a number of
columns have a zero quantity, it need not be listed. The
data to be reported in each column is as follows:
The Naval Ordnance Center is located in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.
The classes of ships that carry cargo load ammunition are AOE, AO, AOR, and
NARs are numbered consecutively within each calendar year.
The term unserviceable ammunition refers to ammunition that is not ready for
use and cannot be made serviceable.
The purpose of requisition lead times is to allow for adequate processing time of
requisitions so that mission requirements can be met on time.
Aircraft squadrons afloat submit their requisitions to the ship's weapons