or over for off-station motor vehicle HM operations.
The explosives driver must also have had considerable
and varied driving experience with the type of
equipment to be operated and have a safe driving record.
military and civilian, are required to pass a mental
examination that is administered by the local command
before they can be considered eligible to be explosives
ALCOHOL AND DRUGS. An applicant for
explosives driver certification found to be addicted to
alcohol or drugs is rejected Certification is revoked for
an explosives driver found to be under the influence of
alcohol or drugs while on duty or when showing
evidence of addiction. Temporary revocation of HM
certification may become necessary when the use of
physician-prescribed drugs are likely to interfere with
the drivers ability to operate a motor vehicle safely.
REGULATIONS. An explosives driver must be able
to read, write, and understand the English language, and
to complete the various forms for which a driver is
responsible. The driver is required to read and
understand the regulations that pertain to the duties as
prescribed in NAVSEA OP 2239.
In addition to these qualifications, if you apply for
certification as an explosives driver, you are required to
complete an explosives drivers training course and pass
the tests given at the conclusion of the course. All
explosives drivers receive at least 12 hours of
instruction in the following activities:
Driving trucks, truck-tractors with semitrailers,
and other vehicles of appropriate types
Handling and transporting hazardous materials
Interpreting regulations and procedures
pertaining to the transporting of hazardous
Training and use of fire extinguishers
Completing and filing required reports
When operating Navy-owned vehicles, you, as an
operator, must comply with DOD regulations and all
state and local traffic laws. You are also subject to fine
or imprisonment when you violate these regulations and
traffic laws.
To what publication should you refer for
information about transporting hazardous
List the three Department of Transportation
(DOT) explosives classifications.
In what DOT explosives class does black powder
In what DOT explosives class does small arms
ammunition fall?
Explosives drivers must have an
physical examination.
What is the minimum age requirement for an
explosives driver to transport explosives
Safety precautions prescribe the minimum
requirements and regulations you should observe when
handling ammunition.
These regulations may be
general in nature or step-by-step procedures.
Regardless of the situation, safety precautions must
NEVER be ignored or bypassed, even during the
simplest ammunition-handling evolutions.
The general safety precautions listed below show
some of the regulations contained in publications
referred to in this chapter.
1. Properly stow all materials within a magazine
and keep them in a safe condition. Never let trash
resulting from decanning, depalletizing, or unpacking
accumulate in a magazine. It presents a fire hazard and
unsafe working conditions for personnel.
2. Dont use improvised tools, platforms, or
3. Before ammunition loading, explosives loading,
or offloading operations, either at a shore activity or a
ship underway, inspect all fire mains to make sure they
operate properly and efficiently. Fire hoses must be laid
out ready for use in the immediate area of operations.
The hoses must be laid out so that damage control and
fire boundaries are not crossed, using all risers available.
Additionally, keep the valves controlling these fire
hoses open so that water is readily available.
4. Flame, heat, or spark-producing devices arent
permitted where explosives or flammable materials,
batteries, or battery charging lockers are located.
Cigarette lighters, heaters, fires, welding tools,