l Sliding-contact interference. This condition
originates in an alternator and in a series-wound
Generally, an ac motor without brushes does not
create interference.
An inverter is a dc motor with armature taps
brought out to slip rings to supply an ac voltage. The
ac output contains some of the interference voltages
generated at the dc end, as well as the brush
interference at the ac end of the inverter.
A switching device makes abrupt changes in
electrical circuits. Such changes are accompanied by
transients capable of interfering with the operation of
radio and other types of electronic receivers. The
simple manual switch (occasionally operated) is of
little consequence as a source of interference.
Examples of switching devices (frequently operated)
capable of causing appreciable or serious interference
are the relay and the thyratron.
A relay is an electromagnetically operated
remote-control switch. Its main purpose is to switch
high-current, high-voltage, or other critical circuits.
Since the relay is used almost exclusively to control
large amounts of power with relatively small amounts
of power, the relay is always a potential source of
interference. This is especially true when the relay is
used to control an inductive circuit. Relay-actuating
circuits should not be overlooked as possible
interference sources. Even though the actuating
currents are small, the inductances of the actuating
coils are usually quite high. It is not unusual for the
control circuit of a relay to produce more interference
than the controlled circuit.
A thyratron is a gas-filled, grid-controlled,
electronic switching tube used mainly in radar
modulators. The current in a thyratron is either ON or
OFF; there is no in-between. Since the time required
to turn a thyratron ON is only a few microseconds, the
current waveform in a thyratron circuit always has a
sharp leading edge. As a result, the waveform is rich
in radio interference energy. The voltage and peak
power in a radar modulator are usually very high, and
the waveforms are intentionally made as sharp and
flat as possible. Although these factors are essential
for proper radar operation, they also increase the
production of interference energy.
Pulse interference is generated by pulsed
electronic equipment. Types of systems that fall
within this category include radar, beacons,
transponders, and coded-pulse equipment.
In radar equipment, range resolution depends
largely on the sharpness of the leading and trailing
edges of the pulse. The ideal pulse is a perfect square
wave. Target definition is also dependent on the
narrowness of the pulse. Both the steepness and the
narrowness of a pulse determine the number and
amplitudes of harmonic frequencies. With respect to
the shape of a radar pulse, the better the radar is
working, the greater the interference it is capable of
producing. Most of the interference is produced at
frequencies other than those leaving the radar
antenna, except in receivers operating with the radar
Radar interference at frequencies below the
antenna frequency severely affects all receivers in
use. Principal sources of such interference are the
modulator, pulse cables, and transmitter.
Transponders, Coded-Pulse Equipment, and
This group includes IFF, beacons, TACAN,
teletype, and other coded-pulse equipment. The
interference energy produced by this group is the
same as that produced by radar-pulsing circuits. The
effects of this interference energy are lessened
because the equipment is usually self-contained in
one shielded case, and uses lower pulse power. The
effects are increased because the radiating
frequencies are lower, which allows fundamental
frequencies and harmonics to fall within the
frequency bands used by other equipment. Each
piece of equipment is highly capable of producing
interference outside the aircraft where it can be picked
up by receiver antennas.