dry cloth. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to clean
parts during periods of shock. Be sure to clean both the
the bus bars. Be sure the switchboard or distribution
bus work and the surfaces of the insulating materials.
panel is completely de-energized and remains so until
Check the condition of control wiring and replace it
the work is completed. Avoid cleaning energized parts
if necessary. Make sure the ventilation of rheostats and
and circuits because of the danger to personnel and
resistors is not obstructed. Replace all broken or
equipment. Always follow the specified electrical safety
burned-out resistors. You can make temporary repairs
precautions whenever you are cleaning or working
by bridging the burned-out resistors when replacements
around switchboards.
are not available. Check all electrical connections for
No live contacts are externally exposed on any
tightness and all wiring for frayed or broken leads.
switchboard on a gas turbine ship. You can clean the
Check all meters for up-to-date calibration tags. Meters
insulated front panels of switchboards without
are calibrated at a calibration laboratory or on board a
de-energizing the switchboard. Just wipe them clean
tender during regular availability. Make sure that all
with a dry cloth. However, you may have to use a damp,
fuses are the right size and that the clips make firm
s o a p y cloth to remove grease and fingerprints.
contact with the fuses.
Afterward, wipe the surface with a cloth dampened in
I n addition to the inspections we have just
clear water to remove all soap, and dry it with a clean,
discussed, make sure (impractical) that switchboards and
dry cloth. Wring out the cleaning cloths thoroughly so
distribution panels are de-energized after firing of the
no water will run down the front panels. Clean a small
guns and inspected for tightness of both the electrical
section at a time and then wipe it dry.
connections and the mechanical fastenings.
P r o t e c t i v e circuits, such as reverse power,
u n d e r v o l t a g e , or underfrequency circuits, usually
cannot be tested by actual operation because of the
danger involved to the equipment. You should visually
CLOTH. Wiping can cause static electricity to buildup on
check these circuits. When possible, operate these relays
glass faces and affect meter readings. Breathing on a meter
manually to be certain that the rest of the protective
face can help dissipate a charge of static electricity.
circuit performs its intended function. Exercise extreme
care not to disrupt vital electrical power service or to
damage electrical equipment.
Y o u r inspections should not be confined to
During troubleshooting of ship's service
switchboards and distribution panels. Your inspections
switchboards, you may have to remove, test, and replace
must also include all adjacent installations that may
many parts. Handle these parts with care. Improper
cause serious casualties. Check the rubber matting in the
handling of these electrical components can throw off
the alignment of relays and potentiometers. When
cracks in the material and separations at the seams.
replacing these components, make sure the parts are
The following examples are installation faults that
placed back in proper alignment to assure correct
operation. Again, make certain that all applicable safety
could cause casualties:
precautions are followed.
1. Ventilation openings located to permit water to
Normally, working on energized switchboards is
discharge onto electrical equipment
NOT permitted. However, on the occasion when you
2 . Insufficient insulation overhead to prevent
h a v e to perform electrical repair on energized
heavy sweating near electrical equipment
switchboards, take the following precautions:
3. Missing or inoperative drip-proof covers and
1. Get the approval of the commanding officer.
spray shields on electrical equipment
2. Station safety observers at the switches or circuit
4. Location of water piping and flanges where
leakage could spray onto switchboards
3. Demetalize yourself.
Take action immediately to have these
4. Wear rubber gloves and boots.
unsatisfactory conditions corrected.
CLEANING. You can usually clean bus bars and
insulating materials sufficiently by wiping them with a
all other sources of power that can be secured, if required.