Figure 5-31.--Basic parts of a single-phase transformer.
malfunctions will occur. The windings can become
The voltage regulators used on gas turbine-powered
s h o r t - c i r c u i t e d , grounded, or open-circuited. The
ships differ in type and design. The auxiliary equipment
troubleshooting techniques you should use to isolate
used with each voltage regulator may also differ in type,
these problems are the same as those you would use for
function, and design. Because of these differences, no
any other electrical component. When taking readings
attempt will be made in this TRAMAN to describe in
on the primary and secondary windings of a transformer,
make sure the windings are isolated from other circuits.
detail the construction, operation, care, and maintenance
This precaution will help you to eliminate errors in your
of each type of voltage regulator. The following
discussion will be limited to general information that
will provide you with some basic guidelines in the care
Once again, observe the standard safety precautions
and maintenance of voltage regulators.
when working on transformers.
Always refer to the applicable technical manuals for
a detailed description of the construction, operation,
c a r e , and maintenance of any particular voltage
regulator. You should be thoroughly acquainted with the
Always wear safety goggles. The cooling liquids
c o n t e n t s of the technical manual and with the
information contained in this section.
transformer should overheat and explode.
A voltage regulator consists of a control element and
Keep a cool head and think about the possible
t h e associated mechanical or electrical means to
consequences before you perform any action.
produce the changes in the generator field current. These
Carelessness is the cause of most accidents. Remember
changes are necessary to maintain a predetermined
the best GSE is not necessarily the fastest one, but the
one who will be on the job tomorrow.
constant generator terminal voltage. The function