In the first part of this chapter, we discussed several
and hullborne control systems. You were given a brief
of the control systems used on the LCAC. We also
description of the electrical distribution system used on
discussed the control console, the vessel's electrical
the PHM. You also read about how the PHM class ships
system, and the APU. We briefly described the LCAC's
receive shore power from a mobile electric power unit.
maintenance system and the troubleshooting techniques
We also discussed some of the auxiliary systems that
used in isolating and repairing equipment malfunctions.
interface with the main propulsion systems. Finally, we
described the unique maintenance system associated
In the last part of this chapter, we described the
with the PHM and the MLSG.
propulsion and electrical control systems used on the
As a GSE, you may find yourself assigned to one of
PHM class ships. We covered the procedures used for
t h e s e classes of ships. This chapter should have
foilborne and hullborne operations. We discussed the
p r o v i d e d you with a basic understanding of the
components of the main propulsion system and the
engineering systems found on the LCAC and PHM class
ship's electrical system. We briefly described the
troubleshooting procedures used to repair the foilborne